This kdrama will always hold a special place in my heart. I may not remember the story but I remember how my whole family sat down together when its on tv. Good times❤
jewel in the palace , i first watched this when i was 13y/o and now i'm in 30's still watching it , my mom used to watch this couple of times 😅 it's totally one of the best 💜
I still remember watching this drama, I was still in elementary school. and this drama is one of the best dramas because it left an impression on my memory
나는 이란 사람입니다. 이 시리즈는 장보고 이후 이란에서 방영되는 두 번째 한국 시리즈입니다. 그 당시 나는 고작 3살이었고 이 시리즈를 본 적이 없었습니다. 그러나 이 시리즈는 2023년에 다시 선정되었습니다. 정말 아름다운 것을 보았는데 처음에는 너무 오래되었기 때문에 보지 말았어야 했다고 생각했는데 정말 아름다웠습니다. 이 시리즈를 보면서 조선왕조 역사를 공부하는 데 관심이 생겼습니다. 이란 TV는 2002년부터 40편 이상의 한국 시리즈를 방영했다. 이란에서 인사드립니다❤🇮🇷🇰🇷
Best foreign show telecasted from national television of Sri Lanka. I can remember the lead actress her self addressed her beloved srilankan fan girls. And the voice actors also nailed it. It is a treat for both eyes and ears. Background music brings sweet memories. And I can remember how my friand I imitate their moves and behavior at school.❤
I remember this show. When I was a kid (2005-2006), it used to be telecast on an Indian TV channel called 'Ghar Ka Chirag' every Sunday at 8 PM. This show was my mother's favorite; she never missed a single episode. The funny thing is, at that time, we didn't even know what South Korea was or that it was a K-drama. We used to think it was either a Chinese or Japanese drama.
I am from Algeria. I loved this program and it taught me how to shop and enjoy the aka. Every time I remember it and taste small pieces, I was 9 years old.🇩🇿♥️👌
I was still amazed until today that Jang Geum was so confident using Lettuce so creatively as her mandu (dumplings) wrapping and still managed to make a good and healthy dish at the same time. I guess it's a "make it happen, do or die" moment there. 😅😄
I am the one who likes Korean dramas the most.. but, this drama that aired on television made my family suddenly enjoy watching it. I thought hard and wondered. And I think it was because the story was almost similar to the struggles of my parents' youth. They tried to make me appreciate many things, Even if it's a small thing.
هذا المسلسل اسطورة ساتذكر دائما الايام التي كنت اشاهدها مع عائلتي وانا واخوتي ملتمين في غرفة أمي ❤ ومعجبون بالمناظر الخلابة و الأطباق الرائعة وهؤلاء الممثلين الجميلون خصوصا جنڨوما ❤❤❤ من الجزائر احب هذا المسلسل كثيرا
انا من المغرب،شاهدت جزهىة القصر مع جدي , كنت اباغ من العمر 15سنة،،كان المسلسل ررائع،خالي من أي مشاهد عري او تقبيل أو أي مشاهد مخجلة،،😊😊😊😊كبرت تزوجت وشاهدته مرة أخرى مع بناتي وأنا الآن أبلغ 35سنة😊
هذا المسلسل كنت اشوفه على قناة السلام من 2014 ارجع من المدرسه واشوفه قطعة من الجنه هذيج الايام ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ من اجمل المسلسلات الي الها طعم وذكرى خاصة بحياتي
You cant believe, but I and my family watched these series in two languages at the same time. In russian we watched earlier, then in few days in Uzbek, even though we knew the story beforehand😅. Then through TV it was launched several times, and we still watched with full enjoyment. Then when I grew up, I found them in the internet and watched again.😅 Love from Uzbekistan🇺🇿
This drama is so nostalgic, when we sat and watched TV with our family. The director of this drama said at that time younger generation of their country didn’t like Korean historical dramas that much as his own daughter told him their dramas were boring and more older people would watch them. They preferred Japanese dramas. So he wanted to make something that will be appealing to their young people and he introduced his country to world by this drama.
MY FAV❤❤It hold a special place in my heart 🥰It’s the second K drama I watched I was young at the time but I can still remember the story I have watched it more than once😍🥰
We din not had cable at that time.. only one channel used to come Doordarshan... And this was our favourite show.. whole family would sit together to watch... dubbed in hindi named " Ghar ka chirag" ..miss those days...❤❤ love from INDIA
One of my favorite k-drama... i love how they make many food so neat dan clean and i love the story too. But i just realized whoever is cooking, I think only one hand makes the food But I really love Jang Geum my first korean drama I watched 😘😘❤
ගස්වැල් මල් ගල් ගැසී බලාසිටිනවා...-යුක්තිය යුතුකම් සොයා ඇය පියඹනවා...-සුජාත දියණියක් ඔබත් මේ බිම ඔබගේ...-සැඟව සිනාසෙනු මැන හසරැල්ලද තහනම්....🥰 We love this kdrama sooo much..this was my 2nd kdrama. this telecasted when i was in primary scl... so we acted like them talked like them and bowed our heads like them during the entire interval ... 😁😜 those memories are always so fun & cute😍😍 MUCH LV from SL..
Bu serialni birinchi marta 2005 -2006 yillarda 17 yoshimda ko‘rganman. Ayni abuturentlik yillarim edi. Drama bosh qahramonidek sabrli irodali bo‘lib doim g‘oliblik sari olg‘a borishni o‘zimga singdirganman. ❤❤❤ Hozirda yoshim 37 da . Koreys kino ijodkorlaridan serial uchun minnadorman.❤❤❤
Salah satu K-drama terbaik yang saya tonton dulu ketika masih Sekolah menengah pertama. Terimakasih karena telah menemani sore hari saya dulu, dan terima kasih untuk para kru film Jewel in the palace.
This kdrama will always hold a special place in my heart. I may not remember the story but I remember how my whole family sat down together when its on tv. Good times❤
me too 🥺❤️
me and my family also...from Romania...very beautiful movie
Same. We always watch this with our grandma too ♥
Name movie please
جوهرة القصر @@inesnoussa9851
지금 넷플릭스에 올라가도 글로벌 1위 할 거 같아요.
경쟁력 있음
Absolutely agree❤❤❤I want to watch this again.
넷플릭스 진출 가즈아
0:00 HV
ㄹㅇ 왓챠에 그만있고 진출하쟈...
It's crazy how different people with different Ages,Countries and Languages enjoyed this drama..There are comments from all over the world❤
Я из таджикистан
Oh my god yes, I'm from Algeria and this series pierced my childhood
Our childhood memories....never forget them 🥰 love from sri lanka 🇱🇰
Childhood memories😍 love from Sri Lanka❤🇱🇰
Yes bro
Same 😢
اعشق هذا المسلسل ❤
jewel in the palace , i first watched this when i was 13y/o and now i'm in 30's still watching it , my mom used to watch this couple of times 😅 it's totally one of the best 💜
وانا مثلك
و انا كمان كلياتنا مولودات 94
Man pls btao ki ap ye kaha pe dekhte ho.. Hindi me
وانا كذلك
Launguage kaise samajhte h aap
초딩때 부모님이 이거 보면 옆에서 과일 먹으면서 봤는데 너무 좋았음 그 시절이....ㅜㅜ
헛 저도 귤 까먹으면서 부모님이랑 보곤 했었어요....그땐 부모님도 젊으셨는데.
대장금 특: 뭐 먹으면서 봐야함
없으면 허전
Men xam otam onam bilan koʻrganman bu serialni oshpaz xonimlariga xavas qilardim juda yoqardi shu serial 😊salom lar OʻZBEKISTONDAN❤
I still remember watching this drama, I was still in elementary school. and this drama is one of the best dramas because it left an impression on my memory
나는 이란 사람입니다. 이 시리즈는 장보고 이후 이란에서 방영되는 두 번째 한국 시리즈입니다. 그 당시 나는 고작 3살이었고 이 시리즈를 본 적이 없었습니다. 그러나 이 시리즈는 2023년에 다시 선정되었습니다. 정말 아름다운 것을 보았는데 처음에는 너무 오래되었기 때문에 보지 말았어야 했다고 생각했는데 정말 아름다웠습니다. 이 시리즈를 보면서 조선왕조 역사를 공부하는 데 관심이 생겼습니다.
이란 TV는 2002년부터 40편 이상의 한국 시리즈를 방영했다.
이란에서 인사드립니다❤🇮🇷🇰🇷
The drama that introduced Korean culture to the world ❤
Yaa eskilere döndüm o kadar güzeldi ki defalarca izledim. Koreliler kültürünü dizilerinde çok güzel yansıtıyor gerçekten. Türkiyeden selamlar 🇹🇷
This remembering my childhood.
I used to watch it after the school🥲 Old good days!! Now I’m in my late thirties and I miss those days so much!!
My favourite thing is this music❤
Love from Sri Lanka
Serial no 1 di korea ga tergantikan ini legend bangett
Aqu nonton di tf thn 2003an,akhir cerita sang koki jadi dokter/tabib dimasa itu.
@marwatiazka756 iyaa seru kan kak, masih dia tetap jadii drakor no 1 dikorea.
오래된 드라마인데 많은 국가에 각국의 언어로 댓글 달리는거 보면 대단한 대작이긴 한가봄
그것도 최근까지 달리는게 신기..
Finally find this drama.. Its remind me my childhood days...we all watch it together ❤
이거 보면 엄청 배고파 진내요
Let's make this kdrama famous again!!! Add English sub !!!
Which drama is this
@@sign1941 jewel in the castle
@@sign1941Dae Jang Geum or “Jewel In the Palace”
@@sign1941 The name of this kdrama is "Jewel in the Palace"
What is the title of kdrama
Back then this drama was very popular in sri lanka ❤
We all had a great childhood memori by watching this 🥺😍❤️
저는 어렸을 때이 영화를 보았어 너무 한국에 오고 싶은데 지금 15 년후에 한국에 유학을 왔어요.😅😇😇🥰🥰🥰한국 음식들이 너무 좋아해요 😋
Qoyil, mangayam nasib qilsin
나도 ❤
Best foreign show telecasted from national television of Sri Lanka. I can remember the lead actress her self addressed her beloved srilankan fan girls. And the voice actors also nailed it. It is a treat for both eyes and ears. Background music brings sweet memories. And I can remember how my friand I imitate their moves and behavior at school.❤
Jewel in the Korean palace remains the best drama series in have ever watched in my life.
පොඩි කාලේ හවස 6.30 වෙද්දි පවුලේ හැමෝම එකතු වෙලා බලපු කතාව සුජාත දියණිය ❤🥺
අභීත දියණිය ❤🥺
ane ow..issara ape thaththath wedata gihin ikmanin enawa me drama eka balanna... den mage thaththa jiwatun athara ne..meka baladdi thaththa matak unaa😢😢😢
This drama is my childhood memory I used to watch this after coming from school lots of love. From srilanka in Sri Lanka it's called changumi❤
I need this on Netflix
I’ve seen this show multiple times and never get tired of it. It is a jewel like the title .
I remember this show. When I was a kid (2005-2006), it used to be telecast on an Indian TV channel called 'Ghar Ka Chirag' every Sunday at 8 PM. This show was my mother's favorite; she never missed a single episode. The funny thing is, at that time, we didn't even know what South Korea was or that it was a K-drama. We used to think it was either a Chinese or Japanese drama.
Changumi❤❤❤❤ love from Sri Lanka
اجمل مسلسل❤
لنا ذكريات جميله تربطنا به❤
شكرا لكم على هذا العمل الرائع
الجزائر 😊
11:52 뭘 봐
아 존나 웃기네 이거 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 아니 씨 물고기ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
In my country it telecasts 2 times and it's gonna be telecast again from today. ❤ Will watch again and again. ❤
من اجمل المسلسلات التي ستمتعنا بمشاهدتها حقا راااائع وفيه كمية من الإبداع
ما اسمه بالعربية
اسمه جوهرة القصر@@صدقةجارية-3
@@صدقةجارية-3 Сериал Тангем
جوهرة القصر يعرض في قناة عمو يزيد@@صدقةجارية-3
@@صدقةجارية-3جوهرة القصر
This drama is one of the best onesssss🥹❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
My childhood Memories back im From Morocco i was remember i watch it in tv with family with arabic sub in 2009
I think this series is the best kdrama i've watched..
Самый замечательный сериал. Спасибо всем. Привет из Узбекистана.
Meni sevimli serialim, Tan Gemni judayam yaxshi ko‘rardik sinfdoshlarimiz bilan. Go‘zal drama
yillar önce izlemistim. çok güzel bi diziydi
This kdrama in my country is famous like we see every day I love them 💗
I am from Algeria. I loved this program and it taught me how to shop and enjoy the aka. Every time I remember it and taste small pieces, I was 9 years old.🇩🇿♥️👌
Favorite drama in my chilhood...🥰
I was still amazed until today that Jang Geum was so confident using Lettuce so creatively as her mandu (dumplings) wrapping and still managed to make a good and healthy dish at the same time. I guess it's a "make it happen, do or die" moment there. 😅😄
Annem ve babam hâlâ izliyorlar. Türkiye’den selamlar❤
Ben de hala izliyorum boyle dizi bi daha gelmez
@ annemlerde öyle düşünüyor 🌸
يذكرني بطفولتي يجنن جنت اشوفه اني واهلي من جان عمري ١٥ ولسا عدهم حمدلله ماتغير شي😂😂
I am the one who likes Korean dramas the most.. but, this drama that aired on television made my family suddenly enjoy watching it. I thought hard and wondered. And I think it was because the story was almost similar to the struggles of my parents' youth. They tried to make me appreciate many things, Even if it's a small thing.
when this film showed I was 15 age now I am 35 age I think this film is incredible marvelous😊 I'm from 🇺🇿Uzbekistan😊
My aunt always laughs when she is cooking because her hands magically becomes fat 😂 which means she's not the one cooking.
our first ever K drama 😭
Please upload all the episodes with English subtitles I have watched it when I was young but still I want to watch it again😊
I am from Uzbekistan. When I watched it for the first time I was too young. I love this movie so much that i would watch it again
Manam oʻzbekman ❤
ආසම කතාවක් ❤😩
I used to watch this during my 1st grade year in my country’s national channel.
We all loved this show including adults cuz it was the only Asian mukbang/cooking show at that time 😂
هذا المسلسل اسطورة ساتذكر دائما الايام التي كنت اشاهدها مع عائلتي وانا واخوتي ملتمين في غرفة أمي ❤ ومعجبون بالمناظر الخلابة و الأطباق الرائعة وهؤلاء الممثلين الجميلون خصوصا جنڨوما ❤❤❤ من الجزائر احب هذا المسلسل كثيرا
This kdrama is emotion for me when i was at class 2 i used to watch this with my mom i miss those days😢❤
انا من المغرب،شاهدت جزهىة القصر مع جدي , كنت اباغ من العمر 15سنة،،كان المسلسل ررائع،خالي من أي مشاهد عري او تقبيل أو أي مشاهد مخجلة،،😊😊😊😊كبرت تزوجت وشاهدته مرة أخرى مع بناتي وأنا الآن أبلغ 35سنة😊
등골이랑 천엽이 여기에서도 나왔구나
Love from sri lanka
저때 본연의 맛 가득 전통한식이 현재 매운 음식보다 100배 세련
여기 한국인보다 외국인이 대다수네요. 읽지 못하는 언어가 대다수. 대장금이 영향력이 대단한가봐요.
7:41 😂He puts too much salt in his food.
장금이가 경연 전날 뭐 먹었나 보졍 ㅋㅋㅋ 그래서 손이 부었나보네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
so nostalgic, I watched it in the Indonesia's TV station with my grandma. One of her favourite Kdrama
Any srilankan's here.? 😍❤️
شاهدناه من الجزائر 🇩🇿 أحببناه كثيرا
Childhood memories ❤️🩹
Benim için en güzel anılarda biriydi ve hep öyle kalacak..❤
I love korean people , they seem beautiful nice, kind people ...... 🎉from Algeria
Harika bir diziydi hala aklımda çok farklı ilginç yemekler yapıyorlar ve bu yemeklerin nelere iyi geldiğini bliyorlardı leydi cangema
මම මාර ආස කථාවක්💖🇱🇰
yoshligimizda qoldirmasdan kórardik😢
هذا المسلسل كنت اشوفه على قناة السلام من 2014 ارجع من المدرسه واشوفه قطعة من الجنه هذيج الايام ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ من اجمل المسلسلات الي الها طعم وذكرى خاصة بحياتي
You cant believe, but I and my family watched these series in two languages at the same time. In russian we watched earlier, then in few days in Uzbek, even though we knew the story beforehand😅. Then through TV it was launched several times, and we still watched with full enjoyment. Then when I grew up, I found them in the internet and watched again.😅 Love from Uzbekistan🇺🇿
Any srilankans? ❤
As ever Jang-Geum song still touching and the best👍 respect from Indonesia 🇮🇩.
This drama was from my childhood and everytime i remember the Ost ,i will feel be drown back to old memories
My childhood best Korean drama everrrrrrr from libya 🇱🇾 ❤️❤️❤️❤️😊
My favorite kdrama!
I missed this.. Jewel in the Palace.. the best Korean drama of all times!!! ❤❤
Hello, I am a fan of this series from Turkey❤
This drama is so nostalgic, when we sat and watched TV with our family. The director of this drama said at that time younger generation of their country didn’t like Korean historical dramas that much as his own daughter told him their dramas were boring and more older people would watch them. They preferred Japanese dramas. So he wanted to make something that will be appealing to their young people and he introduced his country to world by this drama.
MY FAV❤❤It hold a special place in my heart 🥰It’s the second K drama I watched I was young at the time but I can still remember the story I have watched it more than once😍🥰
I love jongoma so match
From arab contry 🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿 Algeria
we watche hem evry time ❤❤❤
طفولة زوينة مع جونغوم علماتنا الاجتهاد و الاصرار
Just now I realize the different hands of the cooker and the actor 😅
I love this drama
We din not had cable at that time.. only one channel used to come Doordarshan...
And this was our favourite show.. whole family would sit together to watch... dubbed in hindi named " Ghar ka chirag" ..miss those days...❤❤ love from INDIA
طفولتي العربية حنونة مع شعب 🇰🇷 ❤😢
One of my favorite k-drama... i love how they make many food so neat dan clean and i love the story too.
But i just realized whoever is cooking, I think only one hand makes the food
But I really love Jang Geum my first korean drama I watched 😘😘❤
ගස්වැල් මල් ගල් ගැසී බලාසිටිනවා...-යුක්තිය යුතුකම් සොයා ඇය පියඹනවා...-සුජාත දියණියක් ඔබත් මේ බිම ඔබගේ...-සැඟව සිනාසෙනු මැන හසරැල්ලද තහනම්....🥰
We love this kdrama sooo much..this was my 2nd kdrama. this telecasted when i was in primary scl...
so we acted like them talked like them and bowed our heads like them during the entire interval ... 😁😜
those memories are always so fun & cute😍😍
MUCH LV from SL..
Bu serialni birinchi marta 2005 -2006 yillarda 17 yoshimda ko‘rganman. Ayni abuturentlik yillarim edi. Drama bosh qahramonidek sabrli irodali bo‘lib doim g‘oliblik sari olg‘a borishni o‘zimga singdirganman. ❤❤❤
Hozirda yoshim 37 da . Koreys kino ijodkorlaridan serial uchun minnadorman.❤❤❤
My favorite drama since❤❤❤
Salah satu K-drama terbaik yang saya tonton dulu ketika masih Sekolah menengah pertama.
Terimakasih karena telah menemani sore hari saya dulu, dan terima kasih untuk para kru film Jewel in the palace.
I watched this drama when I was 10 years old 😱😍
my literal childhood is here
a very successful series
Almarhum papaku suka banget nonton ini😊😊😊