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Mar 21, 2017 5:14 AM

Jan 2013
This game will mark the end of the crazy Japanese game season of 2017. From Yakuza 0 to Nioh to Resident Evil 7 to Breath of the Wild to Nier: Automata, this has been one wild ride that has finally brought something fresh to the game industry.

Now, we're only 13 days from the release date of Persona 5 for filthy EoPs (like me) that want to play the game in English.

Discuss everything Persona related. Keep the Chie/Yukiko posting to a minimum though, because nobody cares about those bland boring shitters.

PeenusWeenusCaimMar 21, 2017 5:18 AM
Pages (16) [1] 2 3 » ... Last »
Mar 21, 2017 5:16 AM
Apr 2013
I don't like Persona.
Mar 21, 2017 5:20 AM

Jan 2013
worldeditor11 said:
I don't like Persona.
Sour grapes world, sour grapes.

Mar 21, 2017 5:29 AM

Sep 2016
Probably going to check less otaku clones.
FondenteMar 21, 2017 5:39 AM
Mar 21, 2017 5:49 AM

Jan 2013
Saccaed said:
Probably going to check less otaku clones.

Thank god though.

Nothing would ruin my experience more than knowing you were playing this game as well. Stick to your boring little indie games chump.
Mar 21, 2017 6:37 AM

Sep 2012
My only concern is the writing, since graphically and gameplay wise seems like an improvement.

I don't mean the (obvious as hell) traitor or Igor twists, I mean the actual dialog and character development. That made Persona 4 absolutely unbearable, with the only saving grace being Adachi and best waifu Naoto.

Doubt this will beat Nocturne or SJ though, those games are on a league of their own compared to the rest of the series.
Mar 21, 2017 6:48 AM

May 2011
worldeditor11 said:
I don't like Persona.

Yeah. Me too (kinda). I was former fan of Persona. Right now, I decided to boycott ATLUS including Persona 5 since 2012 for what reasons, ATLUS banned me in their forums and their official Facebook page. I'm not buying it from ATLUS games. Not buying Persona 5. I don't want to be hypocrite unless we needs to negotiate, dispute and debate such as accept the ban appeal and few issues.
Mar 21, 2017 6:50 AM

Jan 2013
SH4kun said:
My only concern is the writing, since graphically and gameplay wise seems like an improvement.

I don't mean the (obvious as hell) traitor or Igor twists, I mean the actual dialog and character development. That made Persona 4 absolutely unbearable, with the only saving grace being Adachi and best waifu Naoto.

Doubt this will beat Nocturne or SJ though, those games are on a league of their own compared to the rest of the series.
If you look at the concept art, Persona 4 was going to be much darker. Yukiko was originally supposed to be the killer. Could have been a great story.

But apparently Chie's design inspired the team to "change" the direction of the game drastically. From concepts to story to setting to atmosphere until it became what Persona 4 currently is now.

Point is, Chiefaggotry literally ruined everything.

I've grown to accept it anyways, I just want the gorgeous graphics and music now.
Mar 21, 2017 6:57 AM

Sep 2016
PeenusWeenusCaim said:
Saccaed said:
Probably going to check less otaku clones.

Thank god though.

Nothing would ruin my experience more than knowing you were playing this game as well. Stick to your boring little indie games chump.

I have no more time to suffer fools tbh:/
FondenteMar 21, 2017 7:01 AM
Mar 21, 2017 7:17 AM

Jan 2013
I've heard some of the tracks already, that shit is boppin. The menu screens have me weirdly excited too. Gonna go for the Japanese voices on this one considering they delayed it an extra two months just to get them in. I mean they have the voice of fucking Char in it, like I have to hear this.
Major123Mar 21, 2017 7:26 AM
Mar 21, 2017 9:44 AM

Jan 2008
Pre-ordering and taking a week off work to play, hopefully. Been avoiding any topic about it I could til now to avoid spoilers.
Mar 21, 2017 9:57 AM

Jul 2014
Definitely gonna be pre-ordering it sometime soon. So fucking hyped.
Take care of yourself

Mar 21, 2017 9:59 AM

Mar 2017
So, how do I emulate this game?

PS I have never played a single title and would like some guidance. Do I also need to play Devil Survivor or whatever other shit in the SMT franchise or can I just jump straight to Persona 5?
Mar 21, 2017 10:58 AM

Feb 2008
John_2001 said:
So, how do I emulate this game?

PS I have never played a single title and would like some guidance. Do I also need to play Devil Survivor or whatever other shit in the SMT franchise or can I just jump straight to Persona 5?

You need to play Strange Journey.

"Your sight, my delight. Will you marry me?"
Mar 21, 2017 11:38 AM

Nov 2016
John_2001 said:
So, how do I emulate this game?

PS I have never played a single title and would like some guidance. Do I also need to play Devil Survivor or whatever other shit in the SMT franchise or can I just jump straight to Persona 5?

Just jump into Persona 5. You don't need to play any other games in the franchise. All different stories.
Mar 21, 2017 12:11 PM

Nov 2012
All these games and not enough time ;_;

ZetaZaku said:
John_2001 said:
So, how do I emulate this game?

PS I have never played a single title and would like some guidance. Do I also need to play Devil Survivor or whatever other shit in the SMT franchise or can I just jump straight to Persona 5?

You need to play Strange Journey.
You can jump into P5, but id recommend the previous entries since they're pretty good.

Edit: sorry i quoted the wrong person
RX-782Mar 21, 2017 12:27 PM
Mar 21, 2017 12:21 PM

Jun 2011
Reminder that Kawakami-sensei is best girl.

Mar 21, 2017 1:01 PM

May 2010
Persona 5 is the worst game to come out in decades. I'm totally not even looking forward to it.
Mar 21, 2017 1:12 PM

Jan 2013
Narmy said:
Reminder that Kawakami-sensei is best girl.

Back off she's mine
Mar 21, 2017 5:19 PM

Jul 2009
12 more days till the entire reason why I got a PS4 arrives
Mar 21, 2017 5:35 PM

Nov 2016
Did you boys order the steel book and hearts editions or are you regular version peasants?
Mar 21, 2017 7:50 PM

Jan 2013
SpamuraiSensei said:
Did you boys order the steel book and hearts editions or are you regular version peasants?
Nah fam, I make money so I get the edition for elitists. Not sure if I'll use the backpack though.
Mar 22, 2017 3:06 AM

May 2011
Thrashinuva said:
Persona 5 is the worst game to come out in decades. I'm totally not even looking forward to it.

Yeah. I would never buy this game due to disputes and issues.
Mar 22, 2017 4:40 AM

Jan 2013
SpamuraiSensei said:
Did you boys order the steel book and hearts editions or are you regular version peasants?
Made sure I was prepared.

Mar 22, 2017 7:46 AM

May 2010
Baka! It's not that I'm looking forward to it or anything! Don't be mistaken!

Mar 22, 2017 9:00 AM

Jan 2013
The reason why it's like that is too complex for human understanding.
Mar 22, 2017 1:33 PM

May 2014
My true valentine is almost here :D
Mar 22, 2017 2:19 PM

Jul 2016
I will get the standard edition, the controller skin convinved me.
Mar 23, 2017 8:55 AM

Jul 2011
Narmy said:
Reminder that Kawakami-sensei is best girl.

+1 for that my friend.
Mar 23, 2017 12:07 PM

Apr 2014

The game isn't gonna be as good as Persona 4, so what's the point? The characters are annoying and shit, especially when compared to Kanji and Yukiko. The story is weak, and it doesn't deal with the moral complexity of what's going on well.

Mar 23, 2017 1:03 PM

May 2010
Dragonage2ftw said:
The game isn't gonna
The characters are annoying
The story is weak, and it doesn't deal with

Unable to tell if you're trying to cast predictions or if you can see the future or if you've already played the game in Japanese or if you're basing this off of second hand knowledge. You've mixed present tense and future tense.
Mar 23, 2017 1:10 PM

Jan 2013
Dragonage2ftw said:

The game isn't gonna be as good as Persona 4, so what's the point? The characters are annoying and shit, especially when compared to Kanji and Yukiko. The story is weak, and it doesn't deal with the moral complexity of what's going on well.
Is this bait or a serious post? It's really hard to tell considering how often you exhibit shit taste syndrome.
Mar 23, 2017 8:51 PM

Oct 2014
PeenusWeenusCaim said:
Dragonage2ftw said:

The game isn't gonna be as good as Persona 4, so what's the point? The characters are annoying and shit, especially when compared to Kanji and Yukiko. The story is weak, and it doesn't deal with the moral complexity of what's going on well.
Is this bait or a serious post? It's really hard to tell considering how often you exhibit shit taste syndrome.

You can always tell it's bait when someone implies Yukiko is a good character.
Mar 24, 2017 12:35 AM

Jul 2016
bolby said:
PeenusWeenusCaim said:
Is this bait or a serious post? It's really hard to tell considering how often you exhibit shit taste syndrome.

You can always tell it's bait when someone implies Yukiko is a good character.

But Kanji was a good character his bait has some flaws.
Mar 24, 2017 1:11 AM

Jan 2013
SilverDio said:
bolby said:

You can always tell it's bait when someone implies Yukiko is a good character.

But Kanji was a good character his bait has some flaws.

"I'm a tough guy!

... but a marshmallow on the inside"

is as generic and boring a character you can get.

A good character would be someone like Ai Ebihara.
Mar 24, 2017 6:07 AM

Jul 2013
I'm on the edge with this game really. Never played a persona game before and when I watch the trailers/gameplays I get confused. Don't want to watch too much cause I might get spoiled. But I've always considered myself to have an average taste when it comes to games and anime. Most of the time what the majority like, I like too. Didn't go well with Bloodborne though. But anyway I will probably buy this too once I get to know more about it and find out myself what the fuss is all about and though I'm not rushing cause I have quite a few backlogs already.
Mar 24, 2017 7:23 AM

Apr 2014
PeenusWeenusCaim said:
SilverDio said:

But Kanji was a good character his bait has some flaws.

"I'm a tough guy!

... but a marshmallow on the inside"

is as generic and boring a character you can get.

A good character would be someone like Ai Ebihara.

>"Ai Ebihara is a good character!"

>"Kanji sucks!"

Shit taste detected.

Also, it's Kanji's identity struggle that makes him interesting. The real in-depth look at gender roles in Japanese society and how they've affected him is where the breadth of his character comes from. You really didn't pay attention to his character, did you?

Mar 24, 2017 7:34 AM

May 2010
Dragonage2ftw said:
PeenusWeenusCaim said:

"I'm a tough guy!

... but a marshmallow on the inside"

is as generic and boring a character you can get.

A good character would be someone like Ai Ebihara.

>"Ai Ebihara is a good character!"

>"Kanji sucks!"

Shit taste detected.

Also, it's Kanji's identity struggle that makes him interesting. The real in-depth look at gender roles in Japanese society and how they've affected him is where the breadth of his character comes from. You really didn't pay attention to his character, did you?
How do you defend Yukiko though? And Ai is a good character.
Mar 24, 2017 7:57 AM

Apr 2014
Thrashinuva said:
Dragonage2ftw said:

>"Ai Ebihara is a good character!"

>"Kanji sucks!"

Shit taste detected.

Also, it's Kanji's identity struggle that makes him interesting. The real in-depth look at gender roles in Japanese society and how they've affected him is where the breadth of his character comes from. You really didn't pay attention to his character, did you?
How do you defend Yukiko though? And Ai is a good character.


Ai was always one of those weirdo S.Links. She was someone who you never really wanted to hang with, like that fat guy in Persona 3, or the Magician asshole in Persona 3. (Not Junpei. Junpei sucks, though.)

Yukiko's issues are very relatable. She feels trapped by a familial duty, and as a result, she longs for freedom in the form of an occupation to make her own. She eventually realizes that there's always a choice, and as a result, she chooses to stay and help the people that matter to her.

Mar 24, 2017 8:32 AM

May 2010
Dragonage2ftw said:
Thrashinuva said:
How do you defend Yukiko though? And Ai is a good character.


Ai was always one of those weirdo S.Links. She was someone who you never really wanted to hang with, like that fat guy in Persona 3, or the Magician asshole in Persona 3. (Not Junpei. Junpei sucks, though.)

Yukiko's issues are very relatable. She feels trapped by a familial duty, and as a result, she longs for freedom in the form of an occupation to make her own. She eventually realizes that there's always a choice, and as a result, she chooses to stay and help the people that matter to her.
Didn't know you were going to inherit your family business.

Ai has a profound devotion that doesn't make itself apparent until you peel back the layers. She came from a modest lifestyle but at a glance she looks like she's always lived the wealthy life. She's tsundere at first but once you get through to her she's your love for life.

My favorite part was when she says "You thought I'd make you chocolates? Sorry but I just bought these." It makes her sound like such a huge jerk, but then she tells you how important that particular brand is to her and it turns out it was the best valentine's chocolates you could have gotten.
Mar 24, 2017 8:40 AM

Apr 2014
Thrashinuva said:
Dragonage2ftw said:


Ai was always one of those weirdo S.Links. She was someone who you never really wanted to hang with, like that fat guy in Persona 3, or the Magician asshole in Persona 3. (Not Junpei. Junpei sucks, though.)

Yukiko's issues are very relatable. She feels trapped by a familial duty, and as a result, she longs for freedom in the form of an occupation to make her own. She eventually realizes that there's always a choice, and as a result, she chooses to stay and help the people that matter to her.
Didn't know you were going to inherit your family business.

Ai has a profound devotion that doesn't make itself apparent until you peel back the layers. She came from a modest lifestyle but at a glance she looks like she's always lived the wealthy life. She's tsundere at first but once you get through to her she's your love for life.

My favorite part was when she says "You thought I'd make you chocolates? Sorry but I just bought these." It makes her sound like such a huge jerk, but then she tells you how important that particular brand is to her and it turns out it was the best valentine's chocolates you could have gotten.

I was at one point, actually.

Now my dad tells me that I'm not good enough to do so.

Mar 24, 2017 8:43 AM

Jul 2009
Got nothing against Yukiko (love all dem P4 girls), but Ai was certainly a surprise. A stuck-up looking girl that revealed herself as the most complex character in the game. Kudos there Atlus.
Mar 24, 2017 3:22 PM

Jan 2013
Dragonage2ftw said:
Thrashinuva said:
How do you defend Yukiko though? And Ai is a good character.


Ai was always one of those weirdo S.Links. She was someone who you never really wanted to hang with, like that fat guy in Persona 3, or the Magician asshole in Persona 3. (Not Junpei. Junpei sucks, though.)

Yukiko's issues are very relatable. She feels trapped by a familial duty, and as a result, she longs for freedom in the form of an occupation to make her own. She eventually realizes that there's always a choice, and as a result, she chooses to stay and help the people that matter to her.
Ai is one of those few characters in the game that doesn't actually have a desire to suck MC's dick by the first meeting. She's a great character that literally does open up the more and more you get to know her. And the lover -> friend/friend -> lover decision was perfectly handled.

Just because you found Yukiko relatable doesn't mean her S. Link is inherently better. It's trash. Keisuke Hiraga's S. link in Persona 3 is relatable to me and almost a word for word copy of my entire high school struggle, but I still thought it was mediocre.
PeenusWeenusCaimMar 24, 2017 3:28 PM
Mar 25, 2017 3:40 AM

Jan 2013

Oh fuck this is funny.

So glad we're getting dual audio with this one.
Mar 25, 2017 4:55 AM

May 2010
PeenusWeenusCaim said:

Oh fuck this is funny.

So glad we're getting dual audio with this one.
This won't bother me AS LONG as it's carried through every time someone speaks his name.
Mar 25, 2017 9:52 AM

Jul 2014
Finally pre-ordered it today. Really hoping it lives up to the hype.
Take care of yourself

Mar 25, 2017 10:45 AM

Jul 2016
Dragonage2ftw said:

Ai was always one of those weirdo S.Links. She was someone who you never really wanted to hang with, or the Magician asshole in Persona 3. (Not Junpei. Junpei sucks, though.)

Stop right there, bro. Kenji SL it's true that it wasn't the best and his struggle was kinda stupid.
But I really wanted to hang out with the guy, he is like a real friend they always came out with some goofy problem and you are just like "whatever, dude" "if it's okay for you it's okay for me" and when things get serious you really get serious and acompany him in his struggle.
It was only of the SL that wasn't about some really depressing stuff (I think Emperor, Strenght, Priesstess and Fortune are the only ones with some fun).
Mar 25, 2017 11:08 AM

Jun 2011
PeenusWeenusCaim said:

Oh fuck this is funny.

So glad we're getting dual audio with this one.

That is how you pronounce it though? Just with a little too much emphasis on the KA.
Mar 25, 2017 11:30 AM

May 2010
Narmy said:
PeenusWeenusCaim said:

Oh fuck this is funny.

So glad we're getting dual audio with this one.

That is how you pronounce it though? Just with a little too much emphasis on the KA.
Basically with Japanese vowels are much more pronounced.

So a name like Sakamoto should sound something like SAH-KAH-MOW-TOW
Mar 25, 2017 12:26 PM

Jan 2013
Narmy said:
PeenusWeenusCaim said:

Oh fuck this is funny.

So glad we're getting dual audio with this one.

That is how you pronounce it though? Just with a little too much emphasis on the KA.
I don't think so. They way she says sakamoto as suh-KAH-mow-tow is pretty damn uncanny.

If she pronounced it as SAH-KAH-mow-tow it wouldn't be as such
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