Bert Edwards, AKA Burt Edwards, AKA Bert Edouards, or Jean Cardin
Bert Edwards, AKA Burt Edwards, AKA Bert Edouards, or Jean Cardin
from a 1984 issue of Skinflicks, Lee Ryder (of course) and lucky scene partner Zach; from the Rollo Productions film, Giants, pt 1
uncredited photographer, as well as no name for this hairy back – I’m pretty sure it’s Mike Drumm – I suspect our resident hairy shoulder/back expert, JohnnyLlama, can confirm. The cock ain’t so bad, either!
Preppy Summer (1985) – Scene 4 – Rex Donahue (only 2 films!) and Lee Mann (6 films)
The magazine from this scene, Sucking Seniors, wants you to think these guys just got home from the prom. But in the film, Lee is a waiter (on vacation?) in Hawaii, and Rex is the rich customer. Irregardless, it’s a very sexy, romantic scene once they get in bed; something I’m surprised comes from Higgins, but others may disagree. Not sure if I still have a copy, but I can see that I’ve sold it on eBay at least twice, in 2002, and 2008. From me: This is supposed to be Mann’s “first time” with a guy – actually, the acting is rather believable, a bit of shyness, awkwardness. Part of the scene is viewed thru Donahue’s sheer bedsheets, as well as some all-black background shots. Very well shot, erotic, sensual, and very very hot! “
Believe it or not, these were the best pics I could cull from the magazine – sheesh!
Mondo Male 2 – GEVI lists these: Scene 1: A Carnal Classic (w/Jack Wrangler); Scene 2: Prison Plaything; Scene 3: Tea Room Treat; and
Scene 4: Tri-sexual Encounter
but I’m seeing these titles – Virgin Hustler; Private Passions; Confessions of a Window Washer; A Fa@@ot’s Fantasy Starring Roger – none of which I can find on GEVI as shorts. I’ll confess to only skimming, but I don’t recall JACK WRANGLER; I do like the window washer’s split seamed bell-bottoms, and while I don’t like the title of Roger Fantasy, the sleazy voiceover gets me hard.
I’m intrigued by the guy’s tattoos
– quick glimpse of window washer’s split seamed bell-bottoms
I should know where this ROGER clip comes from originally – Wakefield Poole?
full 28 minutes, all 4 scenes
(Previously – hello?) – photographer Skip Diamond for MaleExpress Studios; photospread Touch Tones, with
Steve Anthony