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Jun 4, 2017 8:23 AM

Nov 2011
Welp, bad timing for Urusla as she tries to tell Akko everything.

I like Akko's interaction with Andre this episode even though the streets are roaming with protests. This episode also had Croix making her biggest and malicious move yet. About time that Akko finds out about her malicious nature. Long overdue imo.

Interesting revelation about Chariot's dream fuel spirit from back when Akko saw her at the show. The truth hurts about her inability to use magic properly.
Stark700Jun 4, 2017 9:51 AM
Jun 4, 2017 8:50 AM
Review Moderator
Jan 2017
In some way the episode was sad, Akko could run away now

Jun 4, 2017 9:08 AM

Apr 2010
That was a pretty heavy ending, Ashira was hiding a big secret tho judging from her reaction she regrets what she has done.
And she might not have been aware of what she was doing at the time.
Still she was trying hard to help Ako with her magic.
Jun 4, 2017 9:08 AM

May 2009
This plot twist explains everything - why Akko sucks at magic, why Diana could use magic for some time during childhood, why Moon is fucked up
Jun 4, 2017 9:38 AM

Oct 2008
Oh snap! That was a pretty neat plot twist! Chariot is guilty of doing the same thing that Croix did, except that Chariot used dreams instead of emotion. I really have to wonder how Akko will recover from this, being completely disillusioned with her mentor and idol.

bastek66 said:
This plot twist explains everything - why Akko sucks at magic, why Diana could use magic for some time during childhood, why Moon is fucked up

...and that might be the secret! Despite Diana losing her magic for some time, she was able to recover through hard work and dedication.
Jun 4, 2017 10:18 AM

May 2009
Actar said:
...and that might be the secret! Despite Diana losing her magic for some time, she was able to recover through hard work and dedication.

Diana is from witch family, though.
Jun 4, 2017 10:26 AM
Feb 2017
It seems Chariot drains all the magic of her audiences to power up something but it failed and Chariot altered the audiences' memories to cover up the crime. Based on this info, believed that Chariot or Ursula may have contributed to two crucial 'murders'

1. Its unknown when Diana's mother had passed away. However if it was sometime after the show in Japan, there might be a reason why she passed. Magic could be theorized to be some sort of life essence and since Chariot may had accidentally accelerated the decline in magic, this caused a negative effect on Diana's mother's body and eventually, she passed away.

2. What if Akko wasn't actually a fan of Shiny Chariot?
Akko could have been just a wondering passerby who witnessed the incident and Chariot altered her memories during her rush to cover up her crime. Ask yourself before the show, was Akko the same Akko of today? Akko of the past could have different experience or even a different personality. She could have been a different person. Even if it isn't, Chariot altered her memories and the effects are terrifying. Even wonder why Akko acts like a child? Due to the 'brainwashing, her mind may have been reset every time some trigger happens and when that happens, Akko is reverted to the time she met Chariot. The 'real' Akko was essentially murdered by Chariot and the Akko of today is just a child in a teenager's body.

Therefore, Chariot/ Ursula was responsible for "murder".
Jun 4, 2017 12:51 PM

Mar 2014
Actar said:
Oh snap! That was a pretty neat plot twist! Chariot is guilty of doing the same thing that Croix did, except that Chariot used dreams instead of emotion. I really have to wonder how Akko will recover from this, being completely disillusioned with her mentor and idol.

bastek66 said:
This plot twist explains everything - why Akko sucks at magic, why Diana could use magic for some time during childhood, why Moon is fucked up

...and that might be the secret! Despite Diana losing her magic for some time, she was able to recover through hard work and dedication.

Exactly! Maybe Diana gonna help Akko to reveal the 7th word since can use magic now even after attending Chariot's show so not everything is doomed for Akko.
Jun 4, 2017 2:50 PM
Dec 2016
20Ani17Analyzer said:

2. What if Akko wasn't actually a fan of Shiny Chariot?
Akko could have been just a wondering passerby who witnessed the incident and Chariot altered her memories during her rush to cover up her crime. Ask yourself before the show, was Akko the same Akko of today? Akko of the past could have different experience or even a different personality. She could have been a different person. Even if it isn't, Chariot altered her memories and the effects are terrifying. Even wonder why Akko acts like a child? Due to the 'brainwashing, her mind may have been reset every time some trigger happens and when that happens, Akko is reverted to the time she met Chariot. The 'real' Akko was essentially murdered by Chariot and the Akko of today is just a child in a teenager's body.

Knowing what Trigger is capable of, I wouldn't be even surprised if this theory turned out to be true. ˙͜>˙
Jun 4, 2017 2:59 PM
Jul 2009
20Ani17Analyzer said:
Chariot altered the audiences' memories

No, she didn't it. Whatever "spoilers" you read, they're wrong. She didn't alter anyone's memories. I just watched the episode and I know Japanese, so you can take my word for it.
Jun 4, 2017 4:36 PM

Feb 2016
Didn't see that one coming, so Sad for Akko to finally know about Ursula's real identity, yet, her evil past... I know I might be wrong, but I really hope that Croix is actually lying... nah, don't think so... Go kill yourself Croix
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Jun 4, 2017 10:43 PM

Jun 2015
What a heartbreaking episode. A lot of things were explained, mainly why Akko couldn't use magic. Chariot was using magic similar to what Croix is using, except she was using dreams instead of emotions. She deeply regrets using it. I'm curious how Akko is going to recover from this, knowing that the person she looks up to took her magic.
Jun 4, 2017 10:49 PM

Feb 2011
Jun 4, 2017 11:14 PM
Jan 2009
damn so the reason Akko cannot master magic is because Chariot/Ursula absorbed much of her magic potential

that reminds me Diana and so many other people watch the Chariot show so no wonder fewer people can use magic now and Chariot/Ursula is to blame

but Diana recovered her magic for some reason though, might be the key for Akko to recover her lost magic potential too
Jun 4, 2017 11:26 PM
Jul 2018
This episode was so predictable and cliche, at least the revelations were good enough to make up for it. People saying they weren't ready for this or couldn't see it coming really need to watch more anime because I could see from a mile what was going to happen. Perks of watching anime for more than a decade, I guess. Trigger isn't a faultless studio, they use a lot of cliche and do predictable things, it's just that they tend to execute it way better than other studios.

Now, onto the meat of the episode itself, I really wanna know what Chariot was hoping to acomplish by gathering Dream Fuel Spirit and what the hell happened to the Moon. I don't even care about Akko because it's more than obvious she will get over it by the power of friendship and whatnot.

At least LWA is filling its plot holes or trying to, unlike a certain Bahamut anime out there ¬_¬
Jun 4, 2017 11:37 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
This episode was pretty fucked up....
Jun 4, 2017 11:41 PM

Sep 2013
Wow. Just wow. This is definitely the most emotionally powerful episode by far. I was very happy to have Akko finally realize Croix has malicious plans. I smiled when Ursula finally revealed herself to be Chariot in front of Akko.

With all these things revealed, you'd think this episode would end in a positive way. I was expecting Akko to be happy and excited to finally meet her idol, Shiny Chariot.

Unfortunately for Akko, she had to learn a cold and heartbreaking truth instead. I absolutely feel awful for that poor child. This is gonna be hard for such an emotionally driven girl to come back from.

5/5- We all have our idols who we want to be like and become an inspiration like they were. What happens if that same idol is not who you thought they were and they are the reason why you face so much hardship?

Jun 5, 2017 12:10 AM

Dec 2012
Nice & emotional episode.

Andrew & Akko talking & laughing was nice.
All the truths coming out. Croix plans to take the emotional energy from the crowd & convert it into magic.
Ursula bursting out of that monster was cool.

Akko finally knows Ursula Sensei is Shiny Chariot. Woah so it was Chariot that took Akko's magic.

DAMN that must of hurt Akko so much.
Santoryu_XBurnerJun 5, 2017 12:15 AM
"I’ve set myself to become the King of the Pirates…and if I die trying…then at least I tried!" Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)

Jun 5, 2017 12:26 AM

May 2010
Oof..what an emotional episode. it all makes sense now...
Jun 5, 2017 12:28 AM

Jan 2015
Yeah, that's the "ideal" conversation I'd like to see between Andrew and Akko. Considering how Akko will see the real Croix's motive and real Ursula later.
Time to reveal all the truth.
[url=]convert gambar online
Jun 5, 2017 1:04 AM

Jan 2015
No way, I wasn't expecting this from you, Chariot

Poor Akko
Jun 5, 2017 1:13 AM
Feb 2017
found out her hero was a parasite. Its easy to see how this is going to be resolved, but being 'cliche' or 'predictable as ive seen some others comment doesnt inherently make it worthless. its all in the presentation and the character. and i have faith trigger will nail this. Im so excited. 5/5
Jun 5, 2017 1:39 AM

Dec 2012
Okay but what about Diana? She was at the same Shiny Chariot show as Atsuko and yet she's a prodigy?
Jun 5, 2017 2:21 AM

Jul 2016
......................I'm speechless. No words can describe my reaction to Akko's reaction to the TRUTH.
This episode took a heel turn for the worse. Everyone's planning on starting a war (OVER A FOOTBALL GAME? REALLY?!?!), Andrew perking Akko up yet helpless in the face of his father (By the way, just needed to let you know, that despite being sidelined, the interaction between Akko and Andrew is pretty good. HECK! We even see him laugh. That's rare), and of course, the Fatal Twist. Akko's shining dream turning out to be a waking nightmare.

For those of you who didn't catch that, allow me to go step by step, starting with Croix's plan. I know you just watched it, but a little refresher never hurt anybody right? (RIGHT?!)
First off, Croix's plan = Piss off the world to fuel magic. It's wrong, but the motive, at least to Croix, is noble. Magic is losing steam and will eventually fade out of existence. So, she went to the next best thing, Human emotions. They're infinite, they're clean, and it's the easiest to harvest. Unfortunately, it might cost the world plunging into a nuclear war (All of a sudden the ending to Dr. Strangelove doesn't look so fictional right about now)

Now, you might be expecting Akko to counter the arguement, after dodging that one cyber monster that eerily looks like Sallazle, saying that magic should be used to make people happy and laugh. Well, enter Ursula/Chariot. Actually, now that her cover's blown we won't be needing the "/" any longer, let's go for Chariot. As it turns out, she did something no different from Croix. She turned the moon (MOON!!!) into the same kind of machine Croix made, only it harvests dreams. Now, that sounds neat, people laugh, magic regenerates, everyone's happy. But it came at a cost, whoever it harvests from loses their magic......OUCH!

They even went as far as saying that it's the reason Akko can't fly anymore, but perhaps that sounds a little too off. What they should've said is, "You watch the show, your magic get's crippled/you lose your ability to use magic." I read a post above me (Hello!) mentioning how(SPOILER ALERT! The following is just an answer to someone's post, but if you think you know all about the last Chariot show {hint hint} then proceed, otherwise, turn away NOW. The following spoiler is not entirely necessary)
So that clears up that! (Point, for those of you got spoiled and feel bad, I'm very sorry. But I DID say SPOILER ALERT! AND I told you it wasn't entirely necessary. But I'm sorry either ways)

And this even stings Chariot too. That flashback recounting Akko and Ursula's time together, their ups and downs, their joy, their tears. You can tell it broke Chariot just as badly as it did to Akko, and by extension, us. The fact that the girl who would aspire to be just like her, the girl whose magic SHE harvested, would come to Luna Nova and haunt Chariot. And what's more, Chariot learned a lot more from Akko, than Akko from her.

Now all that's left is for Akko to contemplate about what she just heard. Her childhood hero crippling her, how the two of them used people's emotions, the betrayal of it all. And then, even THEN, she still calls bullshit. There's losing hope, and then there's losing your hopes AND dreams. Honestly, folks I don't know what to say. There are some things words alone can't describe (Not even magic ones).
SirKnight007Jun 5, 2017 2:30 AM
ONWARDS! Away from homework and on to more anime!!!
Jun 5, 2017 2:31 AM

Apr 2016
This was kinda sad. Akko finally knows the truth..but the truth is dark. Didn't expected that Chariot to stole the magic power from the peoples who watched her shows :(
Kinda feel sorry for Akko..The person she admired is the reason why she can use magic :(
Can't wait to see next episode

Jun 5, 2017 2:34 AM

Apr 2012
Now I wish Studio Trigger payed more attention to the numerous plot holes; the story took an interesting turn.

Also, I guess my call on creepy Chariot wasn't a total fluke, she didn't do exactly "good" right?

Jun 5, 2017 3:24 AM

Jun 2014
Jun 5, 2017 3:26 AM

Jan 2013
I'm crying when our Akko is crying
Jun 5, 2017 3:38 AM
Jan 2009
Objurgo said:
Okay but what about Diana? She was at the same Shiny Chariot show as Atsuko and yet she's a prodigy?

watch episode 20, Diana lost her magic when they are children according to Andrew and Akko conversation but for some passionate hardwork she regain her magic ability

so Diana has the answer on how Akko can regain her magic potential
Jun 5, 2017 3:41 AM
Nov 2015
Not_Important said:
This episode was so predictable and cliche, at least the revelations were good enough to make up for it. People saying they weren't ready for this or couldn't see it coming really need to watch more anime because I could see from a mile what was going to happen. Perks of watching anime for more than a decade, I guess.
I think making a plot twist under the guise of a cliche was quite smart though. I mean Akko just fitted the clumsy genki girl so everyone thought she was just stupid rather than that being a plot point especially since it's such a common one.

Atleast Ursula actually done something bad rather than Akko hating on her cause "You lied to me!! You don't trust me!!". Thank god I dreaded that moment
Jun 5, 2017 4:00 AM

Jan 2010
I gotta admit that was quite an interesting plot twist. I love it when you totally don't expect it but it actually makes sense.
Jun 5, 2017 4:31 AM

Dec 2015
That plot twist. I had always assumed Akko was bad at magic because she's a muggle, but now we actually know the reason why she sucks at magic and never really seems to get any better at it.
Jun 5, 2017 4:34 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
That plot twist just explained a lot of shit and was shocking as well. Holy shit, that's quite something you pulled here, Trigger.
Jun 5, 2017 5:00 AM
Sep 2012
Well I am speechless, I am speechless. This explains so much, why Ursula was scared to reveal to Akko she was her hero Shiny Chariot. I thought it was simply low self of esteem, Akko put Chariot on such a pedestal, that she didn't want to crush that image, but was much more than that, oh my god.

Soccer riots in Europe is something you did magic to happen, it can happen on its own, but enough to start a war? I guess that is taking things up a notch. So Akko learns Croax is causing all this trouble, and she couldn't even piece it together on her own, Croax had to out right say "I am a villain." Akko she can be as dense as Ash Ketchem.

And the moment we have waited for, the Chariot reveal, and it overshadowed by stealing your magic reveal. And Akko would have found in a more proper way if it wasn't for Andrew, for those that don't like him, more reason to not like him. I don't hate him, but dam it Andrew, you ruined everything. And Akko still didn't take her hat back, is she ever going to get it back?

And one big solution to all this, Diana has to come out of the closet? The Shiny Chariot fan closet, what did you think I meant? If Akko and Chariot knew she was at that show, and lost her magic as well, but was able to get it back, that could make them feel better. I do feel that is going to happen, and has to happen at this point, we got the big reveal in this episode, we are getting the next big reveal soon.

It seems every week Little Witch is topping it self with great episode. It is getting ridiculous.
Jun 5, 2017 5:08 AM

Feb 2014
Being Akko is suffering right now. T_T

Personally, I always thought that other witches in the show were more gifted in magic than others, so I had that thought in my mind whenever I saw Akko's determination in her magic training compared to Lotte, Suzy or Diana.

But to think that Chariot herself was responsible for Akko's lack of magic power. Damn, that has to hurt. Seeing Akko constantly saying that "It isn't true" over and over again, while tears were building in her eyes makes me want to comfort her. D=

My main question now is this. Did Chariot know about the effects of the dream fuel spirit before that performance in Akko's past or afterwards? I really want to know badly.

Either way, Akko's pursuit of the seventh word looks likely to be on hold for now, while Croix is milking the emotions of the crowds anger at LWA's version of the infamous "Hand of God" goal of the 1986 World Cup. Hopefully someone will stop her soon.

It'll be up to Diana to help Akko get back on her feet. She was at the same Chariot show as Akko in the past and she too lost her magic the same way, but through sheer dedication and determination, she regain her magic powers. I'm hoping that she'll help Akko regain some of her power and also help her get back to getting the final word as well, before Croix's plan goes in full swing.
Jun 5, 2017 5:18 AM

Dec 2014
One of the best episodes of the whole series. There's been a lot of references in this show but one I didn't expect was seeing Vicky Pollard lol.
Jun 5, 2017 5:28 AM

Dec 2009
Chariot is losing her magic, but i expected Akko to despair over it, instead she's despairing over Chariot being an asshole that stole magic including hers and Diana's. Shame Akko didn't get to know the other revelation first.

Akko making Ursula lose her power, then realizing it was Chariot who she made lose her magic and THEN learning that Chariot was evil all along would have achieved maximum despair, what a shame.
Jun 5, 2017 5:34 AM
Mar 2015
Now that her hero has fallen Akko has no one but herself to depend on This is what Andrew told her to do
Jun 5, 2017 6:32 AM
Sep 2012
20Ani17Analyzer said:

1. Its unknown when Diana's mother had passed away. However if it was sometime after the show in Japan, there might be a reason why she passed. Magic could be theorized to be some sort of life essence and since Chariot may had accidentally accelerated the decline in magic, this caused a negative effect on Diana's mother's body and eventually, she passed away.

Diana's mother was not at the show, Diana went to the show with her butler, so this has nothing to do with that.
Jun 5, 2017 6:32 AM

Nov 2011
Holy Shit
Dem Feels

Chariot was a Beatch , never saw that coming
Jun 5, 2017 6:57 AM

Dec 2011
That was an amazing episode.
I really love the friendship (love) between Akko and Andrew.
The ending was quite a twist since her dream was shattered in pieces now with that revelation.
Jun 5, 2017 7:09 AM

Dec 2012
Idk why Chariot would do that though. She's not a bad person, according to what the show wants to portray. Probably was misguided in thinking that that was the way to reach the 7th word, maybe wanted to fix things once she unlocked the great tris-whatsitsname, but in the end came out short, and screwed thousands of people over. It was only natural for her to disappear after that.

Some annoying timings such as getting interrupted by Lotte (I knew that was gonna happen) when Ursula was about to reveal everything, but other than that this episode was well done. I don't understand why Croix wanted to kill Akko though... she didn't seem that kind of villain but whatever.

Akko rescued Diana, now Diana will have to pull Akko out of the crippling depression she's about to go through. I can't wait to see how that develops.

Also, apparently Ursula can't fly anymore lol.

I don't watch as much anime as before...
Jun 5, 2017 7:18 AM
News Team

Nov 2014
That makes sense knowing that Diana was at Chariot's show and like Akko she had problems with her magic in her childhood

gg trigger well played
Jun 5, 2017 7:26 AM

Apr 2014
wow now i didnt expect that was the reason why Akko was so bad with magic and ect thats a huge twist which explains alot

great ep was looking forward to this ep with Akko finally finding out about Chariot again but still wasnt expecting the magic lost thing to be a part of it

anyway great ep and really looking forward to seeing what happens next
"one step at a time"
Jun 5, 2017 7:36 AM

Jul 2016
Th episode may be a little sad, but at least the show's plot is moving along nicely. Hopefully, it ends without leaving many important things unanswered.

Jun 5, 2017 7:43 AM
Oct 2007
Wish Diana was there too when the revelation is revealed!
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Jun 5, 2017 7:57 AM

Apr 2016
Dont worry Akko that little girl will build you Gurren Lagann and you will need no magic...
Jun 5, 2017 8:30 AM

Feb 2013
LWA redeemed
Anime saved

amazing episode and the animation was on point. I wonder what kind of person you have to be though to see a plot twist like that coming. I guess I prefer to just let things unfold than ask questions like "why does everyone hate Chariot" but i suppose Akko had to fall out of love with her idol before (or while) meeting her at some point, otherwise it wouldn't be interesting.

Jun 5, 2017 8:46 AM
Oct 2016
Darn it. I guess Ursula or should I say Chariot. What she did with Dream Fuel Spirit, it was supposed to be her solution to somehow unlock the Seventh Word, only for it to go so wrong, and it was paid for that mistake with Akko's and dozens of others' magical ability. She hesitated to speak the truth, only for Croix to give part of that truth to Akko in the worse way possible, if only to prevent and discourage Akko from looking for the Seventh Word and access to the Grand Triskelion (spelled wrong sorry).

But it sucks knowing that Shiny Chariot, the one Akko looked up to was the one who took away her magical potential. A person asked the last time whether or not Chariot knew that the Dream Fuel Spirit was taking around their magic. Maybe she wasn't aware. Diana was also in that show, but she recovered her magic through dedication and perseverance. Knowing that, Diana's going to have to at least step up and help Akko the way Akko helped her. And not just her, but her friends that she helped throughout all the episode so far.

Well...this episode made me replay Gunstar Heroes and Blaster Master Zero, I need something to blow up after that episode.
Ligerleon89Jun 5, 2017 8:58 AM
Jun 5, 2017 8:57 AM

Jul 2014
Not_Important said:
This episode was so predictable and cliche, at least the revelations were good enough to make up for it. People saying they weren't ready for this or couldn't see it coming really need to watch more anime because I could see from a mile what was going to happen. Perks of watching anime for more than a decade, I guess. Trigger isn't a faultless studio, they use a lot of cliche and do predictable things, it's just that they tend to execute it way better than other studios.

Now, onto the meat of the episode itself, I really wanna know what Chariot was hoping to acomplish by gathering Dream Fuel Spirit and what the hell happened to the Moon. I don't even care about Akko because it's more than obvious she will get over it by the power of friendship and whatnot.

At least LWA is filling its plot holes or trying to, unlike a certain Bahamut anime out there ¬_¬

Congratulations on being a better human being than the rest of us for having wasted so much of your life watching Chinese cartoons. I hope you feel proud of yourself. Instead of complaining and blowing your own trumpet, please elucidate on what exactly you found to be predictable and how they could have executed the episode better.
DracomJun 5, 2017 9:00 AM
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