45 thoughts on “Kristen Stewart Nude & Sexy (22 Photos)

  1. broogers

    Butchy kristen stewart is so not attractive. it’s a shame. back in the early Twilight or adventureland days I would have loved to see her nakey.

  2. IamSam

    “Sexy” is an awfully strong word.

    I mean, if that’s your thing, then good on ya and all, she’s certainly not hideous or deformed, or even particularly unattractive, really, but “sexy?”

    She, much like the only emotion she’s capable of in her movies, is pretty meh.

  3. Edward

    She has fallen way off. Only a matter of time before she starts growing facial hair and super glues a penis on

  4. mcl

    The worst part is that she’s really pretty when she actually gives a fuck…. Or at least when someone in charge of her appearance gives a fuck for her.

  5. Such a shame...

    She actually use to be hot, until she firmly established her look as “drug addicted emo boy”…

  6. Chupacabras

    this is really happening , she is in transition to a full grow lesbian , good for her , but for now on she deserves to be on “After Helen blog” not in here.

  7. Tobias Excrement Snr.

    She was born in 1990.

    She will be 30 in less than a year.

    Still choosing to look like a moody 14 year old.

    Also why does she always put that face on where it looks as if she has just sniffed a fart and she is trying to work out who did it?

  8. Sigh

    3 Kristen Stewart posts on the main page, all with the same single 1 relevant picture….’finally a ‘used to be’ A lister’ Crapper must have thought.
    At least I know who she is…which rarely happens on this site nowadays.
    That being said…this is not sexy, it’s obvious she’s doubting to have that sex change for years now

  9. Goro

    So she likes her some cooch. Who doesn’t? But that’s no reason to turn into Ziggy Stardust.
    She is an A cup derpface, but she could be a FEMALE A cup derpface if she really wanted to. She should de-butch a bit, not for us, but for her partner. Her partner is a LESBIAN, who probably wants to get it on with a girl, not with some sketchy skater twerp

  10. trump isanidiot

    When you are young or “young-ish” you think life has meaning………..an then you get older and realize it is just time and then you die.

  11. ballen

    the girl who took old man sperm in the cunt and then wanted her boyfriend to be a cuckold which he turned out not to be so she became a lesbian :P


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