The official georges ( pronounced zhORsh) appreciation thread

He can join the French Metal band “ Trust” in my list of favorite French people.

Keep up the good work, making liberal heads explode.

Good dude love the exchanges.

Indeed I like the exchanges. I know that you have been sarcastic with me since day one but don't worry I have a very thick skin and I like using sarcasm too. Politically, we will never agree on several subjects but that is life.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Georges, je pense que vous êtes l'un des piliers du forum et vous avez un goût fantastique pour les femmes.

Georges, je pense que vous êtes l'un des piliers du forum et vous avez un goût fantastique pour les femmes.

Merci ;) on veille toujours à avoir du bon goût surtout en femmes mais pas seulement
I thought she was throwing up her hands in disgust.
Nope, on the contrary. As they say in USA: "You can't fix stupid." She smiles and it can be seen on her face, therefore she is part of the stupid for having voted for that tool of Macron.

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Posts With Autopen
I am proud to be the necromancer of this thread as it's for a good cause. Thanks Georges for being a good guy. As a moderator you are always accessible and fair. As a human being you are a fine gentleman and a patriot. Respect...:glugglug: