- Oct 12, 2022
- 10
- 26
Hello fellows of the Night,
im new on here and would ask for your favorite games on the Vampire topic or more precisely:
Im a huge Fan of the Masquerade series,Legacy of Kain 1 and also played any other non H related games on
this topic i could get my hands on. While im still keep searching for new Vampire games ,im sure there are alot
more im not aware of but ill keep my senses sharpened.
Since im out of non H Vampire games i would love to play some good kinky ones, no matter which Fetish,Engine,
Realease Date or ongoing/abandoned/onhold projects and even if not completly related to the Titel of my request,
pls help me out & share it with me.It would be great if its on F95 but even if not ,it would be cool if you can share
its source. Since ive already got it running, perhaps we can create a Masterlist together.
Search Terms:
-preferably playing as female Vampire or that you can become one.
-if not female protag anything else is fine too as long as it is Vampire Origin.
-if japanese game pls add some intel: how good/bad MTL and/or if the main focus is beeing a rapist,
victim or fucking as life source instead of blood so i dont have to play it but can add these infos for other ppl.
-while fucking should be main part of the game,its not the main focus,so if the game you know just has some light
erotic or no sex at all ,pls share it.
-No regular games like Vampyr, V Rising , DLC stuff or Mods for Sims etc. as my fangs became already blunt
from playing too much of it
-Also pls no Masquerade games as i played them all until i felt like 1k+ years old,while that would be awesome if
it happens for real, it is no fun while still beeing human xD
-While the Idea for this Thread was for Vampire MC games only, stuff like beeing a Vampire Hunter,
beeing just a Thrall/slave to a vampire is fine too but pls state it as such so it can be added with that info for others
as im not going to play these (not gonna do genocide on my own kind....at least not before i became one in RL)
-if no Vampires exist in your game ( for example Demons like Inner Grow )
while it is a great game,it wont belong in here so pls do not post anything like this
1. Favorites:
Bonds of Blood Chapter One , Revamped Bloodline , Rebirth
Lucretias Legacy , Red Embrace Hollywood , Vampire Revenge , Monster Slums , I was a Teenage Vampire ,
The Vampires Curse , Lesbian Vampiress Lover , Vampire Lips , My strange Sis , The Eternal Feast ,
Vampire Dreams: Awakening , Peasants Quest , Damsels & Dungeons , Crimson Veil , Blood Destiny ,
Depravity of a lewd Vampire , Lief the Vampire , Vampire Fuck , Lizzie Vampire Hunter , Bloodlust: Cerene ,
Occultus , Roundscape Adorevia , Deliverance , Dark of the Night , Sadistic Blood , Vampires Melody ,
Vampie Notes , Love & Submission , Dusklight Manor , Cara the Blood Lord ,
4.Want to/still playing:
Vampire Stories , Welcome to Hell: Vampire Chronicles , The Seven Realms , Monics Smith´s Bloodlines ,
Bloodshift , Kalyskah , The Bite: Revenant , Sun Breed , Bloodlines of Shadow Springs , Path of the Dead
5. Found by research but im not sure if it belongs in here yet:
Reluctant Archon , Ataegina , Monarch of Magic
Thanks in advance and may the sun never touch your skin (^v^^^v^)
im new on here and would ask for your favorite games on the Vampire topic or more precisely:
Im a huge Fan of the Masquerade series,Legacy of Kain 1 and also played any other non H related games on
this topic i could get my hands on. While im still keep searching for new Vampire games ,im sure there are alot
more im not aware of but ill keep my senses sharpened.
Since im out of non H Vampire games i would love to play some good kinky ones, no matter which Fetish,Engine,
Realease Date or ongoing/abandoned/onhold projects and even if not completly related to the Titel of my request,
pls help me out & share it with me.It would be great if its on F95 but even if not ,it would be cool if you can share
its source. Since ive already got it running, perhaps we can create a Masterlist together.
Search Terms:
-preferably playing as female Vampire or that you can become one.
-if not female protag anything else is fine too as long as it is Vampire Origin.
-if japanese game pls add some intel: how good/bad MTL and/or if the main focus is beeing a rapist,
victim or fucking as life source instead of blood so i dont have to play it but can add these infos for other ppl.
-while fucking should be main part of the game,its not the main focus,so if the game you know just has some light
erotic or no sex at all ,pls share it.
-No regular games like Vampyr, V Rising , DLC stuff or Mods for Sims etc. as my fangs became already blunt
from playing too much of it
-Also pls no Masquerade games as i played them all until i felt like 1k+ years old,while that would be awesome if
it happens for real, it is no fun while still beeing human xD
-While the Idea for this Thread was for Vampire MC games only, stuff like beeing a Vampire Hunter,
beeing just a Thrall/slave to a vampire is fine too but pls state it as such so it can be added with that info for others
as im not going to play these (not gonna do genocide on my own kind....at least not before i became one in RL)
-if no Vampires exist in your game ( for example Demons like Inner Grow )
while it is a great game,it wont belong in here so pls do not post anything like this
1. Favorites:
Bonds of Blood Chapter One , Revamped Bloodline , Rebirth
Lucretias Legacy , Red Embrace Hollywood , Vampire Revenge , Monster Slums , I was a Teenage Vampire ,
The Vampires Curse , Lesbian Vampiress Lover , Vampire Lips , My strange Sis , The Eternal Feast ,
Vampire Dreams: Awakening , Peasants Quest , Damsels & Dungeons , Crimson Veil , Blood Destiny ,
Depravity of a lewd Vampire , Lief the Vampire , Vampire Fuck , Lizzie Vampire Hunter , Bloodlust: Cerene ,
Occultus , Roundscape Adorevia , Deliverance , Dark of the Night , Sadistic Blood , Vampires Melody ,
Vampie Notes , Love & Submission , Dusklight Manor , Cara the Blood Lord ,
4.Want to/still playing:
Vampire Stories , Welcome to Hell: Vampire Chronicles , The Seven Realms , Monics Smith´s Bloodlines ,
Bloodshift , Kalyskah , The Bite: Revenant , Sun Breed , Bloodlines of Shadow Springs , Path of the Dead
5. Found by research but im not sure if it belongs in here yet:
Reluctant Archon , Ataegina , Monarch of Magic
Thanks in advance and may the sun never touch your skin (^v^^^v^)
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