Nick Sandell Of

He has a naked yoga video on Pornhub, and it's clear he is circumcised, but I didn't notice the scar. Unless it is a very dark Gomco I never do - I am always happy to see a circumcised man who is at ease with himself about it and not running round blaming his mum and dad for his problem(s), or trying to hide it.
Why y’all scrutinizing his cock? Given a chance, everyone of your hangry queens would gobble up every inch without taking a second look.
It is actually quite nicely sized, perhaps a bit discolored, but otherwise lovely. 120 pages of posts seem to think he has something to offer. But I am sure you just put Nick right to shame, huh?
His dick is a mangled science experiment.
His dick is a mangled science experiment.

Rubbish. He is a normal healthy man, who was, like so many of his contemporaries, circumcised, probably at birth to ensure he never had any health problems in that area, as some of us who were not so lucky did. It probably took 15 minutes and the baby was probably over it in a couple of days. He certainly doesn't remember it being done, and he is happy and confident showing it now. That really was an insulting and distasteful thing to say, not just about him, but any other cut man who you take exception to.
Rubbish. He is a normal healthy man, who was, like so many of his contemporaries, circumcised, probably at birth to ensure he never had any health problems in that area, as some of us who were not so lucky did. It probably took 15 minutes and the baby was probably over it in a couple of days. He certainly doesn't remember it being done, and he is happy and confident showing it now. That really was an insulting and distasteful thing to say, not just about him, but any other cut man who you take exception to.
Yeah what that the person was said was disgusting but nothing about circumcision should be defended. It's still barbaric that's its done to literal babies with zero consent.
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Rubbish. He is a normal healthy man, who was, like so many of his contemporaries, circumcised, probably at birth to ensure he never had any health problems in that area, as some of us who were not so lucky did. It probably took 15 minutes and the baby was probably over it in a couple of days. He certainly doesn't remember it being done, and he is happy and confident showing it now. That really was an insulting and distasteful thing to say, not just about him, but any other cut man who you take exception to.
There are significant sexual and health benefits to being uncircumcised. Anyone who has health problems down there usually is unsanitary or unsafe, and it has nothing to do with being uncircumcised.
There are significant sexual and health benefits to being uncircumcised. Anyone who has health problems down there usually is unsanitary or unsafe, and it has nothing to do with being uncircumcised.

Bigboaster and Max. The American body concerned with paediatric medicine have stated in terms that uncircumcised babies and more likely to have waterworks problems and infections than circumcised babies.

I think everyone should get away from this idea that parents are inflicting a cruel punishment on their sons at birth - 99% of them are doing what every parent does - doing the best they can for them to ensure they have a healthy and happy life. There is no cruel intent. A baby can't consent to have the umbilical chord cut, or any medical or dental work needed in early childhood. parents and doctors make the decision about what is best for the child. Though it is highly unlikely I will ever have a son, based on my childhood experiences and the fear something of the sort might happen to him, I would have him circumcised at birth. Believe me, it is much more painful and embarrassing at 16!

I agree that the idea that foreskins are sold to the cosmetic industry, if true, seems mercenery and in poor taste, and should be stopped, but, gentleman, as regards the cleanliness point that Max makes, I was once a little boy, and little boys are not exactly the watchword for hygiene. I was uncircumcised for the first 16 years of my life and the fact that I was unable to pull back my over-lengthy foreskin to wash underneath it, didn't bother me at all till I was 14 - also going to a British school I was surrounded at every PE lesson , and the post lesson showers, by other lads the same age, and being British most were uncut. Their ideas of washing under their foreskins was to pee through the pinhole opening of their (probably) balanitis infected foreskins. I was the same and just as bad. I just don't understand, if a parent or doctor sees a boy with an excess of foreskin why the subject and a possible solution are not discussed. I am not saying make it compulsory, but let it be offered

If a lad or man has a very short foreskin which doesn't overhang the glans then fair enough - some of the best sex I ever had was a bloke also called Andy, who was very clean and had a short foreskin. The biggest shock I ever had came from a Dutch guy (no offence, please, to any readers in Holland) who had a very long skin and a very tight fit. He told me that most blokes in Holland had the same type and shape of skin. Well, if that is what they want, so be it, but excuse me if I say no thanks, and I am glad that what I had done in 1999 was done.
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Maybe you all should start (or find) a thread about circumcision and health and chat about it there. Nick's dick is gorgeous and looks 100% fine and normal for a circumcised American. The dark ring is just the cut line... a disgusting and barbaric procedure but like a lot of things in the good old USA, misinformation and ignorance has kept the practice going up til now.

But I digress... can you all please focus on Nick's overall beauty and get off his cock... cuz it's my turn to get up on it! ;-)
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Maybe you all should start (or find) a thread about circumcision and health and chat about it there. Nick's dick is gorgeous and looks 100% fine and normal for a circumcised American. The dark ring is just the cut line... a disgusting and barbaric procedure but like a lot of things in the good old USA, misinformation and ignorance has kept the practice going up til now.

But I digress... can you all please focus on Nick's overall beauty and get off his cock... cuz it's my turn to get up on it! ;-)
Do you have a pic of his dick i caanot find it here
Do you have a pic of his dick i caanot find it here
Dude there’s tons of pics of dick in this thread… just hit the “most liked” link at the top or just Google “Nick Sandell naked” and you’ll see it.