No Subject
14 years ago
To all my friends and anyone else that might happen to read this: I ask all of you to boycott any and all products produced by the company Trion Worlds the makers of a new MMORPG (recently re-named) Rift: Planes of Telara. This game is a blatant rip off of ideas and material originally created by Kevin Siembieda and the employees of Palladium Books in the title of their best RPG line: "Rifts". Palladium's game "Rifts" has been around for 20 years I personally have been playing it for around 16 of those 20 years. From what I have seen of the "Rift: Planes of Telara" game in vid clips it is, at its core, stolen concept ideas from Palladium's "Rifts" title. I ask all of you to side with me in supporting Palladium Books and letting Trion Worlds know what they are doing is wrong (not to mention copyright infringement being illegal).