6x17 Photography: Camera Types & Options


Комментарии • 156

  • @tweed0929
    @tweed0929 2 года назад +61

    Shen Hao definitely owes you that black beauty for what you have done to promote the brand!

    • @nickcarverphoto
      @nickcarverphoto  2 года назад +20

      We need to start a hashtag campaign or something.

    • @williamchen5832
      @williamchen5832 2 года назад

      yeah they should send you one for free…

  • @nelsonm.5044
    @nelsonm.5044 2 года назад +2

    "The sound of the shutter clic sound like a Phil Collins drum solo" this one sentence will go down in the photography encyclopedia history for sure

  • @AWhimsicalStatue
    @AWhimsicalStatue 2 года назад +8

    The self promo cut at 9:20 absolutely killed me 😂

  • @ANDREW95020
    @ANDREW95020 2 года назад +31

    I'm from China and your introduction helped me a lot, I also bought the shenhao 617 camera, for a person familiar with digital cameras, the 617 reversal film is amazingly beautiful. Please keep making related videos.

  • @levisimpson516
    @levisimpson516 2 года назад +8

    LMAO, 9:22 mark pitching your course! My man, I do enjoy your videos for the presentation and humor. I don't even do this kind of photography but I watch anyway because I enjoy the show.

  • @rbash
    @rbash 2 года назад +2

    I never thought a video about 6x17 cameras could make me laugh this much. You are hilarious, my friend. 😂

  • @AndrazAntonic
    @AndrazAntonic 2 года назад +6

    It's Friday, theres a Nick video AND it's on 617 cameras. Life's good.

  • @adtssociety1594
    @adtssociety1594 2 месяца назад +1

    I touched 6x17 by your inspection this format is very rare in South India

  • @milesian1
    @milesian1 Год назад +5

    Fun fact: New 220 film is available under the Shanghai brand. I've purchased several rolls of Shanghai GP3 in 220 recently and shot a roll with flash in the studio w/my RZ67 with good results.

  • @huyande4473
    @huyande4473 2 года назад +2

    I purchased used one yesterday, can't wait to join the 617 club😎

  • @fachiro1
    @fachiro1 Год назад

    when you start talking about the fuji and the 80's. THATS THE GREATEST

  • @yeunganakin
    @yeunganakin 2 года назад +5

    damn 2 videos in a week? what a treat!

  • @bobsykes
    @bobsykes 2 года назад +1

    The '80's tribute is the highlight! Given all those options, it's no surprise why you chose the one you did. Facinating series!

  • @davidellinsworth22
    @davidellinsworth22 2 года назад +1

    Shen Hao owes you.... big time. I can barely afford to shoot 15 35mm rolls a year so any of these are out of my reach.... nevertheless I watch because I find your videos fascinating, all of them. Loved the desert trains video, and looking forward to more. Cheers Nick

  • @DodoKing187
    @DodoKing187 2 года назад

    okay, that 80s bit about the Fuji Cam was hilarious and for that price I sure hope it sounds like a Phil Collins drum solo xD

  • @ibp2007
    @ibp2007 2 года назад +1

    Being slower always helped me appreciate ‘the moment’. My view camera is being returned to me after a 30 year loan. Yippee.

  • @jimmynordstromphotography
    @jimmynordstromphotography 2 года назад +4

    Another great video in these series Nick. I'm getting very tempted now...

    • @nickcarverphoto
      @nickcarverphoto  2 года назад +1

      💸💸💸 Let it fly away into a 6x17 camera.

  • @reusedisland1904
    @reusedisland1904 8 месяцев назад

    Very engaging 6x17 documentary, with very personable Narrator, and a review of a good selection of 6X17 cameras - most of which I had never heard of. Well worth watching.

  • @Chefboyar__dean
    @Chefboyar__dean Год назад

    As an proud owner of a g617… you nailed the description and character of the camera

  • @Birbal2001
    @Birbal2001 2 года назад +5

    Never been a fan of panoramic photography but because of your videos I gave 6x17 a try and I'm glad I did. I love it now. I went with the Shen Hao SH617 back that goes into my Chamonix 4x5.

  • @drewmartin9704
    @drewmartin9704 2 года назад +7

    Let's get Nicky C to 100k

  • @raymondkalisek5701
    @raymondkalisek5701 2 года назад +4

    Great round up! I recently got a Chamonix 5x7 with a DaYi 617 roll film back,and it is definitely your fault! I love it though. Definitely the right choice for me, since the only thing I need to switch from the 5x7 to 6x17 is just one relatively small film back. Less of an investment too, that DaYi back was a little less than $600 for a camera I was already planning to get. Would recommend. Looking forward to the second half of the series!

  • @extremelydave
    @extremelydave 2 года назад +2

    Another crazy, Carver created wonderful video. Of course. I had never thought much about 6x17 but I am awaiting your further videos to see if I would consider entering that arena. Thanks for all that tasty info Mr. C !!!

  • @wojtekscibor
    @wojtekscibor 2 года назад

    that subliminal stimuli about the course turned my eyes into black holes and I couldn't stop repeating the whole link for 25 minutes straight until I realized it is not the right time to think about buying a 6x17 camera yet :) thanks for all the information you give us for free, though! enjoy the weekend :)

  • @trix-4656
    @trix-4656 2 года назад +3

    Superb video! I had a Linhof 612 and miss it terribly. Took it on trips, easy to handhold (if you felt like it, in daylight), and the chromes were sharper than a blade's edge.

  • @bernardkealey6449
    @bernardkealey6449 Год назад +1

    There’s a new entrant to the “hybrid” market
    Chroma - have their six:17 which is 3d print, but…. Interchangeable film back and full ground glass. And the price is amazing, less than $550 with one cone and one film back.

  • @pacoedw
    @pacoedw 2 года назад

    I wasn't expecting to LMAO during a 6x17 camera video, but that plug for your course was hilarious!

  • @jordanscoots
    @jordanscoots 2 года назад +1

    i took a photo of a liquor store the other night with my lowly peasant canon AE1, just wishing i could afford a 6x17. Darn you nick carver! But seriously, your videos have been inspiring me to shoot lately, so thanks

  • @dambranslv
    @dambranslv 2 года назад

    I need an AI to create an 8 hour loop of Nick talking about cameras. His voice is so calming. Beautiful background sound while I'm working on images.

  • @realitytunnel
    @realitytunnel 2 года назад

    You're a hero, man. I mean the video is great, but just for the 'this camera is so 80's...' sequence.

  • @Professor_Internet_PhD
    @Professor_Internet_PhD 2 года назад

    You were on a roll there with that 80's Fuji G617 description, Nick 😂😂😂

  • @Stuesday
    @Stuesday 2 года назад

    Breaking my regulation viewer status to become a comment leaver, thank you for your sick obsession for all thing 6x17 photography. I only shoot an Xpan currently but I cannot wait to get a 6x17 in the near future.

  • @PatrickCooperPhotography-nw1pp
    @PatrickCooperPhotography-nw1pp 12 дней назад

    Another great video about the 6 x 17 format.

  • @ohm8n
    @ohm8n 2 года назад +1

    got a chuckle out of the course plug. great video as always Nick. cheers.

  • @borromine
    @borromine Год назад

    Great video. Shin Hao does owe you! You did not mention 5x7 cameras. These work better than 4x5 as more lens choices and no clipping.
    I love these cameras. Sad to say I find the GFX 100II suits me better.
    Maybe if I were a better more skilled photographer.
    I have been following you for a long time. Your work just keeps getting better. And it doesn’t get better than that !!!

  • @jaydigshistory36
    @jaydigshistory36 2 года назад +2

    I have a Vpan 617 on a monorail system it’s heavy, they’re rare, and the designer passed away. I used it once and so far i like it. Would LOVE a Shen Hao but 🤑

  • @GlaciaDay
    @GlaciaDay 2 года назад +1

    There's a Chinese dude who made a new Hybrid style 617 camera and sold dozens of them last year. The body, film back and lens cones are all made of aluminum, and the overall build quality seems quite nice to me. I can send you a link if you are interested.

    • @Cookiemonster9.9
      @Cookiemonster9.9 10 месяцев назад

      You still have a link? :)

    • @GlaciaDay
      @GlaciaDay 10 месяцев назад

      @@Cookiemonster9.9 Sure but I am not sure if they are still taking orders

  • @charlesk323
    @charlesk323 5 месяцев назад

    This is at least the third time watching this great video. Amazon has the Shen Hao for $3k. So tempted.

  • @renepirolt
    @renepirolt 2 года назад +6

    Fantastic overview of 6x17, Nick! Thanks for posting this. FWIW KB Canham also makes a 6x17 back (and it's motorized!) bt for their 5x7 cameras.. ... and yes, Shen Hao needs to send you one of those beautiful ebony cameras!

    • @nickcarverphoto
      @nickcarverphoto  2 года назад +1

      Good to know. Makes much more sense having a 6x17 back for a 5x7 instead of a 4x5, but I never hear about that one. I suppose because 4x5 tends to be more common.

  • @m00dawg
    @m00dawg 2 года назад

    ahahaha that jump cut was FANTASTIC

  • @MeasuredLight
    @MeasuredLight 2 года назад +1

    Awesome video Nick! I have, and love, the Fujifilm G617. I sometines wish for a bit more telephoto, but all in all I love it. It has become my most used Camera!

  • @JVHammond
    @JVHammond 2 года назад

    Just pulled the trigger on all 5 lessons. Excited to see them after watching this awesome RUclips channel! Ever give private lessons?

  • @drbarnack1885
    @drbarnack1885 2 года назад

    That’s the best info I’ve gotten on the difference between the folding and non-folding Shen Hao, thanks!

  • @glennhunt4945
    @glennhunt4945 2 года назад +2

    Another great video. I purchased that 1980s bad boy Fuji 617 and love it. You might mention the filters you should use to "even out' the light across that wide view. Mine came with 77 mm centre ND filter (Marumi). I also use bull dog clips to fasten my Lee Filter holder on those bull bars for ND filters (little and big stopper). And you are right very hit and miss with any graduated filter to find centre/horizon. I have to scan the negative myself (using Epson 700) as the pro-lab can not do this, they can only do half and you have to stick them. I really appreciate your videos and bought the light meter course (and a Pentax spot meter V), use the range finder method to focus this beast and epson scanning lesson. Long live film photography (I learnt on a Yashica-D back in La Mirada high school in the mid-60s). Have you noticed you can not buy colour 35 mm film at the moment? too many hipsters out there.

  • @theonlygoggin
    @theonlygoggin 2 года назад

    I'm a huge fan of the Alvandi cameras, definitely the best build new camera you can get, I put a lot a film through mine and it's never failed me

  • @marcowikstrom5556
    @marcowikstrom5556 Год назад

    I use a 5x7 view camera for most of my work, and occasionally want a panoramic composition. Since I've been on a weight watching streak I really don't want the added weight (and cost) of a 6x17 back, so use a modified dark slide instead. For the cost of about an ounce or so (a dark slide cut down to expose half of the frame), I get to do 6x17 if the composition calls for it. Hardly any extra weight, and the only cost aside from an ounce or so and an old dark slide that I already had, is keeping track of which side of the film holder is exposed.
    If I were to do much more 6x17 it might be worth a dedicated camera, but the modified dark slide works well for me.

  • @redtreephotography4197
    @redtreephotography4197 2 года назад +2

    Another thoroughly enjoyable video - thank you. There is also always the option of 6X17 pinhole cameras - too many to mention ;-)

  • @jimnorman3653
    @jimnorman3653 2 года назад +1

    Nick got me hooked on 6x17 and my Shen Hao is my favorite camera. Watching Nick's videos can lead for serious spending. One other thing to note: If you do your own darkroom printing, you will need an 8x10 enlarger, since a 4x5 enlarger cannot physically handle a negative that wide. It's definitely a wonderful format, and I prefer it to 6x12 by a wide margin.

    • @TheKetchupPacket
      @TheKetchupPacket 2 года назад

      "...prefer it to 6x12 by a wide margin." - 🤣 good joke.

    • @heresmyurl
      @heresmyurl 2 года назад

      I thought a 5x7 englarger could handle the 6x17. Either way, I've been looking for an 8x10 enlarger for this very reason.

    • @jimnorman3653
      @jimnorman3653 2 года назад

      @@heresmyurl Not sure about 5x7. Might be close.

  • @Cookiemonster9.9
    @Cookiemonster9.9 2 года назад +1

    Amazing video Nick!

  • @ribbitrocks
    @ribbitrocks Год назад

    awesome tell / i so appreciate learning so much from your expertise !!

  • @andyvan5692
    @andyvan5692 12 дней назад

    nick, one other system that focuses with a helicoid mechanism, not 617 but digital, is the Arca Swiss R line cameras, which have a fixed helicoid, and spacer shims that connect the lens to it, instead of cones, also the Alpha cameras.

  • @ducgerard2361
    @ducgerard2361 2 года назад

    A great video. The best channel
    For panoramic and films photos!
    You are a very good teacher. And
    Good idea you put subtitles. It s
    Very nice for french people. It s
    Much easier to understand you!

  • @digitalportraitist
    @digitalportraitist 8 месяцев назад

    Great video one of your best ever!

  • @SD_Alias
    @SD_Alias 2 года назад

    I had a Linhof Technorama in the late 80s and was always a bit annoyed that a had no tilt and shift. I had to sell it in the2000s anyway and family things had priority.
    Then about 2 years ago i stumbled about your video about the Shen Hao and since then i watched out for a used one.
    This year i got one finally from a young photographer who had to sell for the same reasons i had once to sell. It came together with 2 filmbacks for a reasonable price.
    I love that camera although i did not find time to shoot so much as i want this year. But vacation time comes soon…
    Thank for that series about 6x17…

  • @manuellion6300
    @manuellion6300 2 года назад

    Whenever you post a video Like this, I want to get a 6x17 back for my 5x7. One day ...

  • @darrenwall5439
    @darrenwall5439 2 года назад

    Cheers Nick, great information and cool video 💚

  • @raulnava8282
    @raulnava8282 2 года назад

    Hello Nick, I hope you and your love ones are doing well. I love the aspect ratio, and I was looking to buy a Hasselblad X-Pan but they are super expensive so the next best thing and cheaper was to buy the Shen Hao SH TFC617-A and I did it. Practice time now.
    Thank you for all the videos you made/make and keep the great work!

  • @nifmus
    @nifmus 2 года назад

    9:21 "Ihaveanonlinecourseallabout...."
    Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! I knew it was coming but the execution; chef's kiss.

  • @Frozen.Spectrum
    @Frozen.Spectrum 7 месяцев назад

    I'm tempted to get the 5x7 back for chamonix hs1. The 5x7 6x17 adapters seem like a much better option and most of the benefits of a dedicated 617 view camera without the lens limitations of the 4x5 versions being offset. just a bit bulkier but then you can also shoot 5x7.

  • @thebitterfig9903
    @thebitterfig9903 Год назад

    It would be great if some of the other newer large format camera manufacturers made 6x17 offerings. Intrepid has been doing 4x5, 5x7, 8x10 for a while, at fairly affordable prices. Ondu has some interesting cameras coming down the pike, including a 4x10, but that’s still sheet film. And while at least DaYi makes a 617 back for 5x7 that seems flush rather than recessed like the 4x5 backs, it still means that you’d need a full-size 5x7 camera, and a dedicated 6x17 would be a bit smaller.

  • @carslayer
    @carslayer 2 года назад

    Great news Nick, shanghai just last year put 220 back into production! Im looking at some GP3 here which i love, in 220, and dated for october 2024.
    It may not be colour, but 220 lives!!!!

  • @KanEast
    @KanEast 6 месяцев назад

    Gave you a like because somehow, Shen-Hao sounds good. 😂

  • @tomdelisle8955
    @tomdelisle8955 2 года назад

    You're are a real good teacher.

  • @chasingtheleitz
    @chasingtheleitz 10 месяцев назад

    I'm having problems using my Shen Hao 6x17 back on my Toyo 45CF. I cannot seem to get my front standard to attach to the rails and allow myself to focus to infinity. The front standard has to be set up too far back and I run out of rail. I'm just barely able to get enough contact to partially secure the front standard to the rail. I am using a 135mm lens, it's the best choice considering my other two lenses (90mm and 210mm) are not ideal with my current problem. I appreciate that it is due to the focus plan with the 6x17 back being about 45mm further back from where the camera's native focal plane is located. I've tried recessed lens boards to try and help with the problem but still no dice. The lens is so far back into the board that you cannot get to the levers to make adjustments to aperture and shutter speed, along with being able to cock the shutter. Ultimately I've come to the conclusion that this is a good as it is going to get.

  • @chilecayenne
    @chilecayenne 2 года назад

    Hi Nick!
    Your liquor store video inspired me to buy the Shen Hao 6x17.
    You missed one other 6x17 type..the Noblex 150/175 swing lens 6x17 camera. Kind of a Widelux on steroids.
    But takes excellent images. You might also mention pinhole 6x17’s too?
    But like you, the Shen Hao is my first love.
    Looking forward to your next video, especially lenses!, so far, I’m all Nikkor….can’t wait for the rest of the series.
    I’m stuck on panoramic….

  • @michaellong9526
    @michaellong9526 2 года назад

    I have a 6x17 pinhole camera from Realty so Subtle. It has a curved film plane so there is no light fall off .Uses 120 film ,4 shots per roll has a 140 degree FOV . Has 2 pinholes to give you a way to have horizon higher or lower on your composition. Takes a while to figure out how to achieve good compositions with such a wide view but you can get some very nice shots when you figure it out. It makes very nice contact prints and hi rez scans can give you a relatively sharp , vaguely soft look ,I print up to 6.5 x20 inch and looks very nice. It is fun to shoot.

  • @tfiebig1
    @tfiebig1 Год назад

    Great video, Nick! Thanks for putting all this information together. Have you ever come across the CHROMA six 17? Would love to get your take on it…

  • @wdb1932
    @wdb1932 2 года назад

    I got me one of those Krakens about a year ago...Quite fun

  • @WilliamVerbose
    @WilliamVerbose 2 года назад

    At 2:32 I was waiting for you to follow it up with ton's IQ 😅

  • @speedsnoop
    @speedsnoop 2 года назад

    Hey Shan Hao. I bought my camera because this guy :) :P

  • @chromagraphphotoart
    @chromagraphphotoart 2 года назад

    I've been talking to Angus Noble about his new 6x17 camera which I think is a good deal for the money. He is happy to work with my 125mm Fuji lens. However one sticking point for me is that you can't easily switch between using that lens with 4x5 and 6x17. I think he is also looking at an optical viewfinder.

  • @marcdeckard7064
    @marcdeckard7064 2 года назад

    I'm looking forward to the day you start shooting in an 8"X8" format.

  • @dennislee8253
    @dennislee8253 Год назад

    Worth mentioning that Joseph Koudelka did a ton of work with a pair of 6x17's on his shoulders and shooting them like giant Leicas. Cool shitake, big time. Which 115 are you using? I'm thinking about getting one for my 5x7, only have the 120 Angulon now. Cheers man, dig the shows.

  • @imranfotography
    @imranfotography 8 месяцев назад

    Maestro 🙏🤛🔥

  • @Seapatico
    @Seapatico 2 года назад +1

    I always wonder, with trying to focus on the view camera in lower light, could you shine a laser point onto the object you're focusing on? It seems silly, but it feels like you'd be able to see it from a distance and it could be really useful.
    Let me know if I'm crazy!

  • @magnusa.5599
    @magnusa.5599 2 года назад

    thanks for the great overview. trying out ine of the shen haos would be splendid! i have a Reality So Subtle 6x17 pinhole camera and it‘s lots of fun if you don‘t expect a perfect framing and exposure obviously…

  • @fairwayfrank
    @fairwayfrank 2 года назад

    Great 6x17 info. Just one thing missing - the Intrepid version. Oh, wait, they don't make one. Yet? I think they're missing the proverbial boat here.

  • @karolaneuer5506
    @karolaneuer5506 2 года назад

    On my Wista a 75mm lens worked well with a 6x17 back for 4x5" cameras. With the wide angle bellows there was also some movement of the lens possible. Worked well from the view of the images but was a bit finicky. I never used it much and eventually sold it.

  • @toulcaz31
    @toulcaz31 2 года назад

    There are roll film backs for 5x7 view cameras that would not have the focal length limitations of the backs for 4x5 cameras. Canham even makes a motorized one.

  • @4me2c1000
    @4me2c1000 2 года назад +1

    I need a whiskey after all of that info. LOL

  • @kevincamp2913
    @kevincamp2913 2 года назад

    Our local shop in Tulsa had an estate sale complete GX617 kit in mint condition that sold for $9900 with a full set of lenses. Beautiful camera but its all-in to own one (for me anyway).

  • @railerswim
    @railerswim Год назад

    Noble Designs camera body is 3d printed as well btw

  • @jpilegaaard1278
    @jpilegaaard1278 2 года назад +1

    U skipped horseman 617 with shift

  • @normansteinmetz643
    @normansteinmetz643 2 года назад

    Great series. I owned a Panoraflex 617 with a 90mm lens in the past and sold it for the Linhof Technorama 617 SIII with 72 and 180mm lens. I love the Shenhao but I found it when I already owned the Linhof and since I know the ex-owner I will never trade it in. I added the Reality So Subtle 617 and it is one of my most loved camera. Maybe something interesting to add to your collection as well ;)

  • @andyvan5692
    @andyvan5692 2 года назад

    great systematic review of these cameras, but one thing if you need to use 220 it would be far cheaper to get a 24 exp. hasselblad back for these cameras, and add it to a flexbody, than the expense of on of these panoramic format cameras, or even go for a Mamiya universal or super 23 press camera (6x9)- a cheaper 'almost panoramic' format, and these DO use 220, just turn the scale on the winder, OR go by the numbering system on the back itself, (red-window) style film indexing.

  • @markhesse2928
    @markhesse2928 2 года назад

    The Intrepid company in the UK makes some affordable view cameras. If I weren't satisfied with my Linhof Technika and Graflex 4X5 cameras, I think I'd give an Intrepid 4X5 a look.

  • @mattlappinen5029
    @mattlappinen5029 Год назад

    One question for you please. How often in you style of shooting do you use movements on the rear standard?

  • @johncoupe2694
    @johncoupe2694 2 года назад +1

    first I like to say I love your videos. do you shoot any DSLR or Mirrorless????

    • @nickcarverphoto
      @nickcarverphoto  2 года назад

      Thank you! And yeah I do for my client work.

  • @c141charlie
    @c141charlie 2 года назад

    The Fuji 617 looks as tough as Rocky IV. For best results, Doc said to set the shutter speed to exactly 88 mph. KITT, pick up Nick on the way to The Breakfast Club so he can grab a pano of Molly Ringwald and Ally Sheedy.

  • @KirtFitzpatrick
    @KirtFitzpatrick 2 года назад

    Hey! Nice 4K!

  • @AustenGoldsmithPhotography
    @AustenGoldsmithPhotography 2 года назад

    Great video Nick ! Damm your a good salesman I just ordered the ebony 617 !!
    Only joking
    Truthfully after reading Alex Burkes blogs on 617 where he ways up the pros and cons i decided to stick to a 45 field camera and crop my images to 617 or 612
    Perhaps when the world settles down and the dollar ain't spanking my pathetic £££ I will go for the she hao 617

  • @gest1939
    @gest1939 Год назад

    Hello Nick! Why is there a 6x12 mark on the glass? Even though there are only 6x17 filmbacks?

  • @adtssociety1594
    @adtssociety1594 2 месяца назад

    Sir, I am Yelleswara Rao, from India, recently I purchased 6x17 back for 4x5 camera speed graphic and Sinar F and also Epson v850 pro. What configuration of P C needed to compatible for large firmat photography?

  • @j204ever5
    @j204ever5 2 года назад

    Viewfinder Cameras have also Ground Glasses!

  • @bnrynlds
    @bnrynlds 2 года назад

    I have the G617 and absolutely love it but I know I will end up getting a view camera at some point. Need those movements. I had the 6x17 back for my 4x5 but hit the same problems you mentioned. You can't go wife or long very easily.
    It might be worth mentioning centre filters on the next video. It really makes a difference on the G617 and with my 90mm.

    • @bnrynlds
      @bnrynlds 2 года назад

      (I am sure you are planning to)

    • @thomaskeil6059
      @thomaskeil6059 2 года назад

      The G617 has a fixed 105mm lense 😉 But yes, using the center filter is more than helpfull.

    • @bnrynlds
      @bnrynlds 2 года назад

      @@thomaskeil6059 Are you explaining my camera to me? I have a 90mm Schneider XL for 6x17/5x7 and it also requires a centre filter.

    • @thomaskeil6059
      @thomaskeil6059 2 года назад +1

      @Ben Reynolds: I got it wrong: I thought you're talking about the G617 WITH 90mm. Sorry for that. Btw. I also have the G617 and I love it. There are a lot of limitations, on the other hand the camera is fast and easy to use.

  • @plrrt
    @plrrt 2 года назад

    i am interested in taking portraits with a panoramic camera. is this possible with a viewfinder camera like the fuji gx617?
    Also i already own a Cambo 4x5inch camera. Do you think i could get a panorama rollback adapter/holder for it?
    i rather have a more portable camera like the fuji but only if i could use it for still life and portraits
    your advice please!

  • @key2adventure
    @key2adventure Год назад

    I know you probably dont like this option, as sharpness isn’t very good. Nevertheless, I shoot 6x17 on two cameras, a home made 3D printed pinhole camera and a RealitySoSubtle pinhole camera. I have some gorgeous results, at least in my opinion, but you probably wouldnt like the lack of perfect sharpness.

  • @xander1052
    @xander1052 2 года назад

    There is actually now 1 whole company making 220 again, namely Shanghai GP3, though I only know of 1 supplier for me to get any and I can't use it with my TLR anyway

  • @MeowjinBoo
    @MeowjinBoo 2 года назад

    i'm so tempted to buy a 617 back for my 4x5 camera, but the price are absurd.
    I think I'll buy a gx617 when something comes up affordably. There is a guy asking 5k CAD for one near me but the lens has white markings everywhere (claims its not fungus) and im assuming its the paint depeeling from inside the lens.

  • @moisesmollobernal1542
    @moisesmollobernal1542 Год назад

    It drove a DeLorean into the Berlin wall 😂